what he says about you to the other boys before they meet you

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hella long title so it's "what he says about you to the other boys before they meet you"

ASHTON: "she's probably the most outgoing person I've ever met, yet she's kind of insecure but she's also really talented? I don't know, she's so many different things mashed into one perfect, stunning human being that I'm hopelessly in love with and I don't even care. Not to mention she's so fucking sexy. She may be confusing as fuck and really hard to figure out, but I wouldn't want her any other way. She's beautiful and I love her more than anything."

CALUM: "She's probably the cutest person ever, like even more cute than I am, and that's saying something. shes beautiful and strong. She's super witty and sweet but you probably wouldn't be able to tell at first look due to her punk style. Shes always up for anything and she's really dorky but I wouldn't want to be in a serious relationship with anyone else. I love her so much, she's everything to me."

LUKE: "God she's insane. She's absolutly crazy but she's got me wrapped around her finger. She's so rebellious and outgoing, either wanting to do something spontaneous or sleep literally all day. She does some really stupid shit that no one understand, she's really weird and dysfunctional but I love her will all I have in me. She stunning and gorgeous and she's all mine. I love her."

MICHAEL: "where do I begin? She's breathtaking, honestly. She has the power to leave me speechless if she wanted to. She's so insecure but I don't understand why. She's beautiful in everyway. She could be fun while we sit and do nothing, but she could also be fun when we're doing something random on the spur if the moment. Her smile is everything. I'm amazed by her every move and I couldn't be any happier than I am with her. I love her so much."

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