Chapter 14

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Aspyn's POV:

* A few days later*

I walk into my room and flop myself on my bed, like always, and wonder why I'm on my bed instead of sitting in front of the fridge and starring at it. I'm guessing that's because, well, I just ate.

" Aspyn!" My mom calls.

" What?" I call back once I rolled over.

" Can you put Avia down? I need to do the dishes!"

" Well, at least it's putting Avia down for a nap instead of doing the dishes!" I say to my self.

" Hey Aspyn, can you get me some streamers and balloons tomorrow?" Taylor asks.

" Why?"

" 'Cause I'm throwing Rose a party."

" Why?"

" It's her birthday..."

" Omg, I totally forgot!" I slapped my forehead.

" Well, you better get the stuff."

" I know, I know, I will." I said and ran down the steps, which I almost fell on, and got to my mom.

" Finally!" She huffed.

" Not my fault Taylor told me to get him random stuff for Rose's birthday party he's throwing here."

" He better not make lots of people come! If he invites other people I don't know, he won't ever throw ANYONE a party here."

" Harsh! Where's Avia?"

" On the couch."

I turned around to see only her high ponytail I put in her hair.

Quietly, I crept my way over too her. It was the cutest thing ever! She was sleeping, and hugging my emoji pillow I got last week.

" Mom, come look at this." I whisper shouted.

She came over and awed.

" I know. I'll take her to her room." I told her.

" Thanks." She replied and kissed her forehead.

" Ha, thats what you get you f*****g bird for not going into the tube!" I heard Taylor scream.

" Taylor, can you calm you and you're stupid bird down? Avia's asleep!" I told him.

" OK, OK, I will. Just can you leave now?"

" Not like I wanted to come in here!"

" Rude."

" Since when?"

" Since-" he started but was cut off by Avia screaming.

" Sh..." I whispered.

" Look what you did! You woke her up!" I whisper yelled at him.

" Well, you should of left!"

" Good bye!" I said and kicked his door open.

I saw him doing his little idea face. Uh oh, this isn't going to end up good.


Rose's party was great on Saturday! Mainly because I was the one who did most of the things.

" Hey, Mayah!" I called and ran over to her.

" Hey Aspyn. Did you see the soccor tryout sheet?" She asked.

" No, why?"

" Because you're on it." I heard Hazel say from behind us.

I turned around and saw both her, and Rose.

" Taylor!" I huffed.

" What about him?" Rose asked.

" He did this. You know how much I HAYE school sports."

" Why would he do it?" Mayah asked.

" Something about Friday night."

" Why what happened Friday night?"

" I kicked his door open and he made his idea face. I knew he was going too do something like this."

" Are you gonna get him back?"

" Noooooo. I'm so getting him back!"

" How?" Hazel asked.

I thought for a second.

" I'm gonna-" I started but was interrupted by our principal.

" Hey, girls, I need you to run some errands for me. Can you make sure that every teacher has these papers?" The principal said.

" Uh, sure?" We said which sounded more like a question.

" Thank you. Oh, and you all have to come to my office when you're done. Don't worry, it's nothing bad."

" Oh, OK good!" I gave a sigh of relief. Thanks goodness that I wasn't in trouble.

" Here." The principal handed us the papers.

It took me about 3 minutes to get to all the classes I had to do. We split up so that we could finish faster.

The only thing g that kept going through my mind was, did the principal lie to us about being in trouble or was she telling the truth?

The other thing I was worried about was if Mayah read the paper for the soccor tryouts right. She did say my name was in it...


The bell rang which ment that we had only 5 mi utes to hurry upo and get to our class. I quickly got to my English class, making it right in time!

The first 2 periods were so boring. Language and geography. My 2 worst subjects! I hate school for being what it is. It kills us social people!

I caught up to Mayah, Hazel and Rose so that we could make it to the principal's office together, instead of waiting until the other person comes so that we could finally start.

We entered the principal's office in fright. Well, I was frightened.

" I'm guessing you're wondering why you're here?" The principal asked.

We nodded.

" You're here because..."

A/n: CLIFFHANGERRRRRRRRR! Yeah, I know, my chapters are boring and longer than the others, but this one was rushed. But someone decided to not post earlier and post at 8:30 pm. It was also my fault for reading it an hour later. Oops! But I had to clean my already clean room and decorate the house cuz myt dad's co ing back from Mecca tomorrow! I'm so exited mainly because I get pulled out of school before French, gym, and double math! Ikr, best mother ever, right?!! OK, this a/n thing is getting way too long so imma stop it right her. Oh, and please send your best wishes to the Bratayley family. They lost Caleb recenly and I'm still sad.

OK. Bye Humans and I'll see ya next week!

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