Chapter 10

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Aspyn's POV*

" Hey Taylor, can you give me a ride home?" Hazel asked my brother.

Of course, he said yes. Hazel, Rose and I hopped in his Porsche.

A few minutes later, we  arrived at Hazel's house. I saw her mother yelling but I didn't know  what she said because the windows weren't open.

Taylor drove us back to out house. I zoomed up to my room and flopped my self on my bed.

My phone buzzed. I had a text. I checked who it was from. Cameron.

Hey, where'd you go? I'm looking for you. I have a surprise!

Sorry, I had to leave early. Wanna meet somewhere?

Yeah sure. Meet me at McDonald's at 5:30.

OK. Luv ya!

Love you too!

Cameron and I met at the  zoo earlier today. I have to get get ready now but I don't feel like  getting up. I do have 2:57 minutes left until I have to be there.

I went to take a shower  then got ready. I wore a white crop top and black high waisted shorts. I  put my hair into a fishtail bun because why not!

" Hey Taylor, I'm leaving for a few minutes." I told him since our mom wasn't here.

" Where are you going?"  He asked. Ugh, I hate it so much when he does that! It's like I'm 7  years old but I'm clearly 16! Well, I recently turned 16.

" Why do you want to know? I don't need a babysitter."

" Quit being rude. Just don't co e back at like 2 am drunk."

I gagged.

" Taylor, you know how much I hate the thought of throwing up. I would never want to do that and lie in it."

" OK, now you can go."

I walked out of the house and started walking to McDonald's.

The worst part was, I had to walk the whole way. The best part was, I saw Cameron waiting for me at a table.

After McDonald's*

" So, did you like my surprise?" Cameron asked. I was sitting in his car because he was driving me home.

" It was great! Just, you said you were part of Magcon, then how come he's never told me about it or you?"

" I don't know. I thought he might of told you."

" Oh well, at least I can now come and see you perform!"

At home*

" Took you forever!" Was the first thing I heard when I entered the house.

" Taylor, that not the correct way to greet ANYONE. The correct way is hello, hi, welcome, and all those things." I told him.

" That's only sometimes you know." I heard rose say. I guess she stayed over.

" It seriously, you took 2 hours. You said just a few minutes." Taylor told me.

" Well, we went to other places too." I said.

" We?" He questioned.

" Cameron and I."

" S-" he started.

" Why didn't you tell me  that you two were friends? And Magcon, why didn't you tell me about  that! I knew what it was, but why didn't you tell me that you were in  it?"

" Because, you weren't supposed to know!"

" Yeah, well, I'm your sister. You should tell me about stuff like that."

" Well I wanted to do SOMETHING without you."

" Since when did I do everything with you? There's A LOT of stuff you do that I don't even like!"

" OK, let's just forget about this whole Magcon thing. Mom's gonna be here any minute."

" When she comes, tell me. I'll be up in my room."

" 'Kay."

I ran to my room and flopped myself on my bed again. I don't know why I love to do that so much.

I got up and went to my  window seat. I sat there and enjoyed the view. I got bored so I took my  sketch book and sketched something random until I heard a knock on my  door.

" Come in." I mumbled.

" Why so depressed?" Rose asked.

" I'm not. I'm just bored. There's nothing to do around here!"

" Wanna go to the mall?"

" I can't. Mom's gonna  be here any minute and she's just gonna be like, ' where's Aspyn?' and  Taylor's gonna be like ' no you can't go!' Plus, its late!"

" I never said right now."

" Ugh! Life is so boring!"

" Let's go outside."

" And what do we do outside?"

" I don't know. Anything!"

" Fine!"

She pulled me from my wrist down the steps.

We were just about to do something when my mom's car pulled up.

" Hey Mom. Need any help?" I asked.

" Yeah sure. can you get Avia? She's asleep."

I nodded. Rode helped take out some of the groceries.

I took Avia to her room and put her in hr bed. She tossed and turned then started to cry. I'm guessing she had a nightmare.

" Shh. It's OK." I whispered to her.

She started to calm down.

" Everything alright?" Rose whispered.

" Now it is." I said and put Avia in her bed again.

" I got a call from your father at the store. He said he's coming back next week!" Mom said.

I looked at Taylor and he looked at me. Our mouthes went wide and we gave each other hugs.

Our Dad's been away for a  long time and hasn't called us once. He left around 2 months ago. He's  finally called and he's coming back! I thought he called my mom and  wanted to divorce her, I'm so glad he made the right choice and is gonna  be back soon. Everyone's missed him so much; even Rose. What? She's  part of the family too!

" Wait, we have to throw  a party! Rose, I'm giving you no choice, your helping us. Everyone in  the family's helping, but Avia of course." I said and we all laughed.

Then, we heard noise coming from Avia's room. I'm guessing she's awake again.

I went to her room, got her, then went back down. She rubbed her eyes and yawned. This day couldn't get any better!

A/n: So yeah. That  just happened. I guess Taylor has secrets too; he didn't tell anyone  about Magcon. I think he might of told Rose about it and his mom but not  Aspyn. Also, I decided to make their dad alive cuz I haven't mentioned him at all so...  Sucky chapter but I don't really care. At least you got an update!  Another cliffhanger from me. I think cliffhangers are cool because you  can sometimes take what you have so far and make up what you think will  happen next, and wait until the next chapter to see if you're right.  That's what i usually do, or i just flip because the author  (@zahra_al_ali) makes it seem like whatever you have in mind just won't  make sense! That's it for now Humans and I'll see you next week.

                      ~ Z

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