chapter 50!¡!¡!

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-Mayah's POV-

"Mayah," I heard a soft Australian voice whisper to me. I groaned.

"Go away," I mumbled, rolling over.

"Mayah," he raised his voice a little.

I ignored him, trying to fall asleep again.

Then, my back came in contact with the ground, causing me to glare at the blue-haired boy who interrupted my sleep.

Not only did the impact hurt my back, but I was laying across the hospital chairs which weren't very comfortable.

"What do you want?" I groaned, rubbing my eyes.

"Someone's here for you,"

I furrowed my eyebrows together. "Um, I'm not the one in the hospital..."

Michael raised his eyebrows.

"You know what I mean!"

He smirked, helping me to my feet.

I walked over to the lobby with him, when I saw Rose. I stopped dead in my tracks.

I turned around, expecting to see Michael, but he wasn't there.

I cursed under my breath as she ran toward me.

"Mayah!" She breathed.

I stayed silent, not wanting to talk to her.


"Don't call me that," I snapped.

She pressed her lips together. "Look, Mayah, I'm really sorry about that night—"

"Stop apologizing!" I yelled. "You don't understand how hard it was to see the boy I loved making out with one of my best friends! I trusted you! And now he might not even be alive and we weren't on good terms! And it's all your fault!" I spat angrily.

"Jeez, Mayah! I was drunk! Can't you get that through your head?"

I was fuming at this point. "Being drunk isn't an excuse!" I screamed. "Alcohol doesn't make you do crazy things! It just makes you do the things you want to do when you're sober without thinking! And if you're thinking about kissing Calum when you're sober, I don't think I can ever forgive you!"


"Just leave!" I screamed. "You aren't helping this situation! Just go!" And with that, I ran.

As I turned the corner, I saw Michael quickly hug the wall.

"Michael?!" I yelled. "You were...listening?!"

He looked down, not saying anything.

I scoffed, running down the hall. I sunk down the the ground, letting my anger boil down.

Michael cautiously approached me. "Are you mad at me?" He asked carefully.

I shook my head, sighing. "She just...doesn't get it," I tell him.

He sits down beside me. "What doesn't she get?"

"That it's not that easy to just forgive her. She was so close to me, first of all, and when I saw another boyfriend cheating on me, it made me feel so insecure. I felt like there was something wrong with me. I thought there was like this quality about me that could be easily replaced, that's why they cheated. Because I wasn't enough, and the girl they cheated on me with, she was enough. Like, she had more to offer than me. Like she meant more to them than me," I sighed.

"Mayah," Michael sighed. "You're so fucking blind, holy shit,"

I glared at him. "Wow, thanks for your support," I mutter sarcastically.

"Don't you see it?" He asks me.

"See what?"

"Calum is fucking in love with you, Mayah," Michael says. "After the whole thing, he kept asking us what to do and he felt all bad and shit. Like, he wouldn't stop taking about you. It wasn't any different, though, because that's all he ever talks about. It's actually kinda disgusting, honestly," he confesses.

I leaned my head on his shoulder. "That just makes this whole thing a lot harder," I sighed.

"It'll all work out," he reassured me.

Ashton jogged towards us.

"Hey! There you are!" He pointed at me.

"Here I am," I say back.

"I was worried something...bad happened," he chewed his lip nervously.

I shrugged. "Nothing bad happened to me," I say softly. Ashton sat on the other side of me, lowering my head onto his lap. He played with me hair and I stretched my legs into Michael's lap.

"I heard yelling in the lobby...what happened?" Ashton asked.

"I had a blow up with Rose," I told him. "I don't wanna talk about it,"

Ashton kept playing with my hair and Michael kept me talking.

"That's where you guys are!" I heard Luke say from down the hall.

"Come join the party!" I tell him.

"Hey, where am I going to sit?" He asks.

"Sit next to Michael," I tell him.

"But then I'll be left out," he pouted.

"Michael, move over," Luke told him.

Michael slid down and I lifted my legs. I placed them down again so that now my legs spread across both Michael and Luke.

"Have you guys left the hospital?" I asked them.

"No," Michael answered. "I haven't had pizza in forever..."

I smiled at his obsession over pizza.

"Do you think Calum will wake up?" I asked.

"He better," Luke answered.

"Yeah, that bastard owes me twenty bucks," Michael joked.

"Hey, don't swear!" Ashton scolded Michael.

I smiled as the goofed off and I drifted off to sleep.


Sorry for a short chapter I'm just really hungry and want to get to the food ASAP

anyway I'll see all you bootyful caterpillars the next time I update!


-Tiana Girl

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