Chapter 9+10

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-Mayah's POV-

"My? My? You up?" I hear someone whisper.

I groan. "No. Come back in 5 minutes," I mumbled in my pillow.

Then I felt weight being put onto my shoulders. Literally.

I groaned. "Get off!" I screamed.

I heard a laugh and then my shoulders felt a lot lighter. I sat up, rubbing my eyes.

I looked up to see a familiar set of green eyes staring back at me. "What do you want, Con?" I ask him.

"Well, Hayes dropped by and told me that he was coming back at noon and that you should be ready because he's taking you out," Connor explained.

My eyes widened. "What? Where?" I asked in shock.

"I think he said he was taking you to the carnival...?"

I relaxed a little, but failed miserably and tensed up immediately. "Get out! I have to ready!" I yelled, shoving him out of my door.

I rushed over to my closet, shuffling through my clothes. I picked out a pair of denim shorts and a black tank top, tying a red flannel around my waist.

I quickly brushed through my hair, letting it down for today. I didn't put on and makeup but slipped on my Nike running shoes and whipped out my phone.

I quickly dialled the only person I had on speed dial and waited impatiently as the phone rang.

One ring...

Two rings...

Three rings...

Four rings...


"It's me," I quickly responded. "I need your advice. Hayes said he's taking me to the carnival. Do you think my denim shorts with a black tank top and my red flannel and black Nikes is good?"

"Oh, yeah!" Hazel said. "Just... Hurry up. I think I heard Hayes leave just now,"

"Okay, thanks girl!"


I hung up and paced around in my room. Butterflies started to form in my stomach.

What if I'm overdressed? Or what if in underdressed? What if he doesn't like it? Oh, this can go so horribly!

Ding dong.

I immediately raced downstairs where I saw Connor answering the door to Hayes.

Hayes looked up and made eye contact with me.

Connor awkwardly slipped away.

He smiled at me. "Hey, gorgeous," he gushed.

I smiled back. "Hey," I say softly.

He stretched his hand out. "Let's get going,"

I grabbed his hand, giving it a light squeeze. "Let's go,"

We walked over to his car and we climbed in. I turned on the radio and focus came on.

"I love this song!" I exclaimed, singing along.

Hayes laughed at me. "Why are you laughing at me? Sing with me!"

He laughed, shaking his head. "I'm not singing,"

"Come on! Don't be such a Debbie downer!"

"I'm not singing!"

"Aw, come on!"

"No, I will not!"

"You're no fun!" I complained.

He laughed. "Oh well. We're here now,"

He parked the car and we walked to the carnival.

We walked over to the rides and I pulled him over to the salt and pepper shaker. "Let's go on this one," I say.

He nods. "Sure,"

We waited in line and eventually we got to the front of the line.

We hopped into the cart and pulled the bar down.

The ride slowly started and as we were flipped upside down I felt a scream escape my lips. Then as the ride sped up, screams were substituted with giggles.

Eventually, Hayes and I were laughing thought the entire ride.

***********Time skip to after the carnival************

"That was so much fun!" I laughed.

Hayes smiled. "Yeah, it was!"

I put my head on his shoulder as we walked to his car.

"Hey, Mayah?"


"I need to show you something,"

"Okay, cool," I turned to him.

He pulled a small rectangular box out of his back pocket.

He handed it to me and I took it. I opened it slowly.

My eyes widened in shock.

Sounds Live Feels Live World Tour

M&G Pass

"Hayes!" I shrieked. I wrapped my arms around his neck.

"Surprise," he whispered.

I smashed my lips against his, our lips moving in sync, fireworks erupting in my stomach.

"Thanks you so much," I whispered in his ear as I hugged him one last time before heading home.

Hey y'all! I've got many errors in this and Mayah's outfit is to the side. And I'm currently watching Friends and •SPOILER ALERT• Phoebe and Mike just got married!😍😍 I'm almost done the show tho😪

I'll see all you beautiful caterpillars the next time I update!


-Tiana Girl

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