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(Important A/N at the end)

-Mayah's POV-

"Well, it's kind of a long story...I'll, um, explain it when we get to the hotel room," I say quietly.

She nodded as we walked back to the car.

I drove to the hotel and once Aspyn and I got to our room, I flopped onto the bed.

"Okay, please don't be mad!" I plead.

"I won't!"

"No, Aspyn, you have to promise!"

"Okay! I promise! Jeez!"

"Okay...well, just before Calum and I started dating, I was looking into colleges and universities," I cautiously start.

"Okay..." She answered.

"Well...I had applied to NYU and...I got accepted..." I said looking down.

"That's great, Mayah! Why would I be mad?" She asked me.

"Because I kept it from you guys..." I say quietly.

"We wouldn't get mad about it. We'd be happy for you! Plus, I get it if you didn't want to tell us right away," she said.

I gave her a small smile. "Well, that's the good part. The bad part is...I have to leave next week..."

Aspyn pressed her lips together. "Oh," she said quietly.

"Mayah, I'm going to miss you," she sighed, wrapping her arms around me. I hugged her back, letting a few tears slip down my cheeks.

"I'm gonna miss you guys so much," I whispered.

We pulled away, wiping our eyes.

"Let's just enjoy our last few days together while we can," I tell her, sniffling.

She nods, smiling.

"Okay, I'm going to go take a shower," I tell her, waking to the bathroom.

********after the Six Flags trip*******

"Babe, wake up,"

I groaned, rolling over. "No," I mumbled into my pillow.

"Mayah," he whined.

I ignored him, pulling my blankets over my face.

I felt something grip at my ankles before I was yanked out of bed.

"Ow," I moaned, stretching on the floor.

"Connor and Dylan are here... What do you need to tell everyone?" Calum asked me.

I sighed, rubbing my eyes. "Let me get ready, then I'll tell you guys," I stood up, walking to the bathroom.

"Mayah," he whined. "Tell me!"

"Patience, young grasshopper," I tease, closing the door.

I hear him sigh and his footsteps become distant.

I quickly did my makeup and curled my hair.

I walked out of the bathroom and slipped into black leggings and an oversized cream sweater. I put on some socks and rushed downstairs.

There I saw Dylan, Connor and sitting on the couch anxiously.

I sighed, before sitting beside Connor.

"What's going on?" He blurted out.

I sighed, before standing up. And then I told them everything.

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