Chapter 42

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-Mayah's POV-

I was sitting on my bed, watching Dan and Phil when I was rudely interrupted. Hazel barged into my room with a big container filled with gummy worms.

"Share!" I demand, hold my hand out.

Hazel placed a few gummy worms into my palm and I shoved them into my mouth. She joined me, not even bothering to talk, as we watched our favourite YouTubers together.

"Get your lazy asses off the bed and do something with your life!" I heard an Australian voice nagging me from the doorway.

I look up and see Luke standing in the doorway, his arms crossed. "Are you PMSing?" I ask him.

"I'm not a girl!" He defends himself.

"Then stop caring about my life," I shrug, turning back to my laptop.

"I just don't want to see you two antisocial and shit," he sighs.

"This is social. We're watching Dan and Phil together. And not alone," Hazel defends us before chomping down on a few more gummy worms. "You should join us," she suggests, "that way it'll be more social,"

Luke shrugs, before jumping onto the bed and watching YouTube with us.

We decided to watch fetus Dan and Phil. By we, I meant I decided and the others had no choice.

"Luke! Where are—oh there you are!" I hear Calum call from outside the door.

"Shhh! We're watching Dan and Phil. Yell quieter!" Hazel scolds Calum.

"Who are Dan and Phil?" Calum asks us, totally clueless.

Hazel and I turned to him, horrified looks on our faces. "Did you seriously just ask that question?" I ask in disbelief.

"Just—leave the room before any more damage is done," Hazel says, ashamed.

Calum plasters a fake hurt expression across his face. "Well that's just rude,"

I just turn back to the computer. Calum sits beside me, watching with us.

"Pass the gummy worms," Luke requests.

Hazel passes the container to Luke and Calum notices the candy being eaten in front of him.

"Pass me some, too," he tells Luke.

Luke was about to give Calum access to our candy before Hazel snatched it out of his hands.

"The gummy worms are only for the phandom," she jokes.

Calum sticks his bottom lip out. "Mayah! Defend me!"

I sigh, before pecking his lips. "It's hard to defend the guilty,"

Then I left the room to avoid further fights between my boyfriend and best friend.

I walked down to the kitchen and wondered where Aspyn was before remembering she stayed at Cameron's house.

I raided the fridge before Hazel came downstairs.

"Did you attack Calum or is he still breathing?" I ask her, casually.

She shrugged. "Luke wouldn't let me,"

I laugh, slightly. "He's like your brother, I swear,"

"Maybe he is," she jokes.

I shrug, going along. "You do have a tendency to have brothers you don't know about,"

"Shut up," she jokes.

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