¡Chapterrrrrrr 46!

38 1 13

-Mayah's POV-

I was hanging out with Hazel for many reasons. Partly because we're best friends. Partly because we felt like it. Partly because we always have fun together. Partly because I needed a break from boys and she'll always support me.

We were currently throwing popcorn at each other in hopes the other would catch it in their mouth. So far we were incredibly unsuccessful.

I shot a kernel at her which hit her right above her eye.

I started laughing, causing me to fall off the counter I was sitting on. Hazel started laughing with me but then I spilt to bowl of popcorn that was on my lap as I went down. This caused Hazel to simultaneously scream and laugh even harder.

"The food!" She screamed, grabbing the bowl that was flipped upside down. I started giggling even more, making my sides hurt.

Hazel caressed the bowl, shushing it although it couldn't talk. "It's okay. I'll fulfill your destiny and put food inside you," she whispered to the bright blue bowl.

I started laughing even harder, causing Hazel to laugh. We laughed for about 2 minutes before my stomach started clenching, making laughing painful.

"Stop making me laugh! It hurts!" I yelled at Hazel.

"It's not my fault I'm so funny!" She yelled in defence. This was hilarious, since she was in no way funny, so I started laughing even harder. This caused me to be in even more pain than before.

We kept making stupid jokes and awkwardly weird faces which made us laugh even longer than before. Then, there was a knock at the door.

I took a deep breath before letting a couple giggles out. I stood up and walked toward the door.

"I'm hiding!" Hazel screamed. She quickly climbed up to the top of the fridge and, because she was petite, she climbed into the empty freezer, closing the door behind her.

"Don't give me away!" I heard her muffled voice yell.

I sighed, before opening the door. In front of me stood the love of my life.

"Hi, you ordered a pizza?" The boy holding a pizza asked me.

I sighed. "No, I didn't, unfortunately," I told him.

Just then, Hazel burst out of the freezer. "Wait! I ordered that pizza! Don't leave!" She stumbled out before tripping and falling right on her face, causing me to laugh.

She got up casually and handed him $20. She took the pizza while he was frozen in place, terrified.

"Thank you!" She yelled before closing the door on him.

She opened the box before taking a slice of pizza and placing it in the bowl. "What the hell are you doing not eating the pizza?" I demand.

She grabbed another piece, shoving it in her mouth. "I made a promise," she told me with her mouth full of pizza.

I rolled my eyes before snatching a slice of pizza from the box. I happily ate it when my phone rang.

"Who is it?" Hazel asked. I quickly swallowed and checked the screen that just lit up.

"Michael," I tell her. "Should I answer?"

"Yeah. Why wouldn't you?"

"Because I wanted to go boy free..."

She shrugged. "Michael's like a man-child. Plus he's cool, so answer the phone. Your ringtone sucks,"

I smiled before pressing the green Answer button.

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