Chapter 5: "Who Are You Exactly?"

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-Mayah's POV-

"I don't know how to jump out of a window!" I exclaim.

Aspyn laughs. "Relax. It's not that hard. Here, watch,"

She ducked under the window, sitting down on the windowsill, her legs dangling above the ground.

Aspyn carefully pushed off of the window, catapulting herself through the air.

She hit the ground on her tippy toes, but there was so much momentum, she slipped and fell forward.

"Do that, but land it!" She says.

I groan.

I carefully copy her moves, sitting on the window then pushing off, but land a bit forward causing me to fall on my face. I groan.

"What did I tell you about landing it?!" Aspyn demands.

I roll my eyes. "In my defence, my teacher wasn't all that great..."

She helped me up and we walked along the sidewalk, chatting about out lives.

"Wait, wait, wait. So he did what?!" Aspyn asked me.

After we jumped out of her window, Aspyn said she'd show me around a little bit.

"Okay, so my older brother, Dylan, has always been protective over me. Not that Connor isn't, but Dylan has always been more protective since he's older than me. So, one of my ex-boyfriends, Ky, was over one day. But Dylan didn't like him. Like not one bit! So every time Dylan was around us he'd give Ky the evil eye and was very intimidating toward him. Ky wasn't acting like himself around me, because of Dylan. So one day, he was very paranoid of Dylan that when he came downstairs one time and shouted 'Hey guys!' he fell off his chair and hit his head on the table and he got a scar on his forehead," I said.

Aspyn started cracking up. "Then what?" She asked, trying to contain her giggles.

"Then I ended things. If you can't handle Dylan, you can't be with me," I said simply.

She cracked a smile. "I wish my older brother was like that," her smile faded away. "Ever since he's been with Rose, he's been different. He never hangs out with me anymore, or plays basketball with me, or makes vines with me. He doesn't even talk to me without an annoyance in his tone!" She exclaimed. "I feel like Rose has rubbed off on him, ya know? Like she's always hated me for some odd reason and now he's acting like her toward me! I didn't do anything! I just don't understand! They're both so annoying and rude! It's unnecessary! I didn't do anything!" She exclaimed, a tear sliding down her cheek.

"So that's what you think of me?!" I hear. We both spun around and saw Rose and Taylor standing there, hand in hand with scowls in their faces'.

"Why can't you just grow up and say those things to my face, and not whisper and make yourself look innocent to the new girl!" She screeched. "You know, just because she's new blood, doesn't mean that you can whisper suggestions and lies into her ears because I know the truth! And you better watch your back or everyone will know the truth!" She spat and stormed off.

Taylor looked stunned, but quickly shook his head. "Wow, Aspyn. That's really what you think of me? Thanks. Thanks a lot. Now nothing will ever be the same between us. And you just ruined my surprise for Rose," he said, disappointed.

"Taylor-" Aspyn started.

"No!" He cut her off. "Just leave me alone! And don't ever talk to me again!" He yelled then spun around on his heel and ran up to Rose.

I turned back to Aspyn. "Look, Aspyn. I'm so so-"

"No. I should be the one apologizing. Maybe I am trying to cover up the past with a new friend. Maybe I thought I would actually have a friend. But I won't. And I never will," she said, running away.

I looked at her run further away from me, stunned by what had just happened.

The way Aspyn's shoulders bounced up and down, I could tell she was sobbing.

I should've run after her, but what was I supposed to say to her?

I was too confused as to what had happened, I just needed to get my mind off of things.

I found my way home thanks to Aspyn for showing me around.

I grabbed my laptop and headed over to Starbucks.

Yes, I already had some today, but I also have homework to do so it might take a while... And coffee will keep me awake so I can finish all the work I was given.

"Hi what can I get you?" The Starbucks worker asked me.

She had long blond hair and gorgeous green eyes. I bet she didn't make her one and only friend run away from her.

"Hi! Um, can I get a venti pumpkin spice latte?" I say.

She took my order, I paid and then waited for my drink.

Once they gave it to me, I checked my name.


Oh how I love it when Starbucks spells my name wrong!

I sighed and sat down at a table, opening my laptop.

I signed into my account and sipped on my coffee.

I opened my first assignment and started reading.

Your first assignment this semester is to read the following passages below and answer-

"Is anyone sitting there?" I look up from my computer screen and see a boy with brown hair and bright blue eyes looking down at me.

"Um, actually no but I'm-"

"Great!" He said and sat right across from me.

"Okay then..." I say quietly and continue to read the assignment.

"Whatcha doin'?" He asks me.

I look up again. "Homework..." I say, and continue to read the assignment again.

"What kind of homework?" He asks me.

I sigh. "Can I ask you something?" I ask him.

He nods. "Go ahead,"

"Who are you, exactly?"

"Benjamin Hayes Grier, but everyone calls me Hayes. I'm homeschooled and live in the area. Your turn," he says, folding his hands down, looking me in the eye.

"Okay..." I say, a bit stunned by what he told me. "I'm Mayah Shannon O'Brien. I go by Mayah. I just moved here and attend... I forget the high school name," I tell him. He smiles.

"So how do you like it here?" He asks me.

"Well... Uh, it's... Interesting. I mean, it's also complicated. I don't know... I'm confused and trying to get away from what I just experienced," I say, laughing awkwardly.

He shot me a sympathetic look. "What happened? Do you want to talk about it?"

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. "You just met me and are already ready I comfort me..."

He nods. "Okay, I get it. Do you want help on your homework?"

"No, not really, but it's kinda boring so someone to keep me company would be nice," I say smiling at him.

"Okay, cool," he says.

As I type away on my computer, he starts a casual conversation with me.

"So, Mayah, what is your favourite... Cereal?" Hayes asks me.

"Uhmmmmm... I don't know... I prefer bagels,"

He laughs. "Okay then... What's your favourite word?"

I laughed. "What kind of question is that?"

Hayes opened his mouth to answer when he was cut off.

"Ew look. It's Mayah,"

A/N: Hi everyone its tianaa_xox and I'm sorry for updating late but I had a lot of homework last night and I didn't have enough time to update... But I hope you enjoyed this chapter!


-Tiana Girl

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