Fif-tee Wun!!!

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Aspyn's POV*

2:39 pm my clock read. Even though I overslept, I was still a little tired.

Then, my phone buzzed. It was from Instagram.

@aviaflavia_mc.sass tagged you in a video did a zoo just escape? 😂

I decided to answer her. you do not want to know what that was like!😂 @aviaflavia_mc.sass

And then there were comments that Avia and I commented and liked the video. I love it when people freak out that I liked or commented on their social medias. It makes me feel special.

So I took that same video, saved it, then reposted it. Don't ask why I did all that.

I remember that day like it was yesterday. Well, it was like last week or two weeks ago when that tour happened.


Gorillas. That's all I can say. Gorillas.

Why is that the only word I can say? Well, all the guys are fighting while I'm trying to sleep. I'm pretty sure its some kind of pillow fight. Such immature little children.

"Guys, can you p-" I was cut off by someone slamming a pillow in my face. Because I didn't expect that, I lost my balance and fell to the floor. No duh it was the floor, it's not like I would fly into space when I loose my balance!

"Dude, what did you just do?" Cameron asked as he made his way over.

"It was an accident." Dylan told him, worry in his voice.

"Guys, I'm fine. Just can you let me sleep?" I asked and got up then walked over to my room.

"She's not gonna sleep until like an hour after she says she is. Technology." I heard Taylor tell the guys. They gfook his word and continued fighting. Rude.

Well, it is true. I don't really do what I say I will do all the time. Who cares thought? Everyone does it!

"You guys give up?" I heard Jacob ask.

Then there was more fighting.

Ugh, children.

End of flashback*

After stalking more people on social media and going on Snapchat, I finally went down to the kitchen to get some breakfast.

"Ugh, there's literally nothing to eat!" I complained.

"Wanna head out and get lunch?" Cameron asked from all the way across the room in the couch.

"Sure; where at?"


"OK, I'm actually not gonna bother to do anything this morning." By that, I mean get dressed again, do my hair, and put make up on. I don't put much on, so that point matter either way.


We walked out and into his car.

My phone buzzed once more.

@aviaflavia_mc.sass tagged you in a photo: this might be the best edit I've seen today,unicorn: I'm dead! 😂

The picture was the funniest picture I've seen today. It was kind off like what Twaimz would do; take a lama's body and put his face on it, except this one was of my face on a unicorns body and unicorns around it. I liked the picture.

We finally got to where we would eat lunch. Well, not really. I still didn't eat breakfast and its like 3pm! Don't judge.

There were fans that we saw either on the street, or in the building.

"Hey, Aspyn, the guys are coming over today," he starts.

"Ugh, is Taylor coming?" I asked, clearly annoyed what my brother might do if he came.

"No, he said he wants to talk to Rose about something."*** read at least the first part of the a/n***

"OK." I shrugged.

I don't know why Rose thinks we're friends again. I'm like an amazing actress because she believed me when I told her I wasn't mad at her. And anyways, its not like anyone can trust her anymore. She's married, and cheated on her husband with her ex friend's boyfriend. But she'll always be Mrs flower bitch to me!

Beep! Ugh, so many notifications today! But this kind wasn't from Avia, it was from Mayah.

(Its supposed to mean caterpillar time lord)

🐛🕛♚: Aspyn, something just happened!

Human Unicorn: what?!

Ugh, dumb WiFi! It had to stop working! Could it not just wait until after our conversation?

"Aspyn, what's wrong?" Cameron asked.

"Mayah texted me that something happened, but the WiFi stopped working."

"I hope everything's OK."

"Same. But what if Calum got worse?"

"Don't think like that. I know Mayah would slap you if you said that to her, even if she was the one who called it off."

"Yeah, I know that. But still, he needs to get better. Mayah would not get out of the hospital without him."

"She wouldn't?"

"No, she would stay there and probably look like some depressed woman."

"I don't even know what I just said," I shook my head as I saw Cameron's confused face.

"Don't worry; he'll be OK."

"That's what I'm worried about, Cameron, what if he isn't OK?"

"We'll just hope for the best." He sighed.

A/n: BUSTEDDDDDD!!!!!! That was what I wanted Aspyn to say, but I didn't put it in there because I didn't. Idek what I'm doing with my life. Just like how I don't even know what I wrote. Oh well, I still wanna know what Mayah wanted to tell her. GURL, ANYTHING COULD HAPPEN!

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