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Aloha, peoples! It's RachROFL , and I'm finally gonna update again today!!
5-4-3-2-1 BLAST OFF!
Rose's POV
"What the hell, Rose?! You made out with Mayah's boyfriend?! And you're married!!" Taylor yelled at me through the phone.

"I was drunk, Taylor! I was in no control what I was doing!" I screamed back at him.

"You should have at least remembered that you were married!"

That's when the tears came.

"I have no one, right now, Taylor. And you're my husband, you should be there for me! All my friends left me for something I can't control!" I sobbed into the phone.

"Cry to someone else, Rose. I'm going on tour tomorrow, you can make out with whoever you want."

His tone was ice cold.

Was this the end of my marriage?

I opened my Messages on my phone and began texting Mayah.

To: My
What the hell, Mayah?! Do you know how much Taylor hates me now?! I think he's going to leave me. All thanks to you!

From: My
Serves you right for making out with Calum!

To: My
Don't you understand? I already apologized. It was you who decided you wanted to ruin my marriage for a stupid grudge that you won't let go of!!

From: My
Calum's in the hospital, Rose! He
Could be dead for all I know!

To: My
I know, and I'm sorry for that. But please stop being so bitchy and help someone else out once in a while instead of just pity yourself!!

There was no answer after that.

I made one last call, and that was to Hazel.

"Hello?" She picked up after two rings.

"Hazel, I know you probably hate me right now, along with everyone else, but I think Taylor's going to leave me and I'm just really scared and-"

"Hold on for a second - Taylor's leaving you? How do you know?"

"I don't, but he just left for the airport to go on tour, and he hung up on me so harshly, and I just don't know what to do."

"Talk to Aspyn. She is Taylor's sister."

"But she completely hates me!"



"Good luck!"

"I need it!"

Then I hung up.

I quickly drove to Aspyn's house and knocked on the door. She yelled a lazy, "it's open!" and I walked in.

"Ew, what are you doing here?"

"I think Taylor's leaving me." I whispered.

"Oh my god, come here!" Aspyn said, sarcastically.

I walked over and plopped on to the couch.

"Taylor's not leaving you. He's on effing tour. You should hear how he talks about you. He loves you! So calm the eff down and watch some Doctor Who with me!" She said.

"I'm sorry, Aspyn."

"For what?"

"For being a bitch."

"Tell it to Mayah. You have nothing to apologize to me for. "

"How though? She hates me!"

"I'll come with you."

Then we started our Doctor Who marathon.
OOOHHH CLIFFHANGER! See what happens next week with the next edition of "Secret Sisters"! See ya later!


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