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Before you read , there's a few things I need to say.

Major thanks to @kittlylxrry for everything she did for me! She helped me really with this book and she made this wonderful cover for me! Thanks soo much I'm really thankful for everything you did :)

Now , If it this story sounds like other stories just to say I'm not copying and if it really like really sounds like a story you read please politely tell me and say where it sounds like that said story.



+Mature scenes will probably be in this story.

+Violence and abuse,


This story will be my first boyxboy story so bear with me here , but i thought that with all the reading of said stories will help me understand and hopefully give you , the readers, a good enough story.

If there's any errors please just don't be rude about it because that makes me a little hurt and angry. I'm human and do not have a whole bunch of editor teams at my side but for you guys I'll do my best and edit my story.

My schedule for this story will be Mondays , hopefully I'll stick to it :D. Kidding but I'll tryyyyy!

This story will probably be in a series , the series is called Sickness Names. No , haha it's called the Incorrigible Series , which means not able to be corrected, improved, or reformed.



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