Chapter 8: If you want to be broken fall in love

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(Dedication:To all the readers because without you guys there would be no book or no chapters! I can't believe almost 300 reads and so many votes! You guya really are amazeballs!)

Hii loviesss! I really am sorry for this short update because my cousin and my grandparenta are visiting here and I couldn't get to my laptop and write because the whole week I procrastinated and wrote exams but luckily I'm done. I'm close to a nervous breakdown , my grandparents are stressing me up and my aunt are just pouring oil on the fire! Anywhoo!

^^The suits are above

---->Try-Colbie Caillat


Red Carpet, an event before the event,showcasing the money the people have with all the extravagant dresses and bling-y jewelry or showing of the talent of the designer or where the said peoples show the talent they behold with all the awards they are nominated for.

Red carpets is ironically enough not a carpet nor red,it just shows the glamour of that event.

The uncomfortable stares of the enemies ,the awkward smiles given to the paparazzi and photographers and the more awkward little heart shattering speeches after every award was given.

That was my sight here where I stood on the red carpet with Alen standing next to me , he always drags me to this awards if I'm invited because heaven knows I'll never come out of my own will and nor for pleasure. I wanted to bring Alexander but he has a big test tomorrow and he still has to do the designs for his show in the exhibition.

Sighing I looked at the camera from the photographer currently shouting at me and Alen, he was being professional but still obnoxious with the checking out of bums and winking at random guys having them stare at him in horror , amusement and in lust.

From actors to models were seen under the very hot lights and before the blinking epileptic flashes of the camera.

Sighing I gave a nod to Alen to let him now we could walk on after the planner shooed us away so Lady Gaga could come through.

Alen gaped at her while she walked in, he was so easily awed. Rolling my eyes I grab his elbow and curse him in my mind. I place my hand on his back to make sure he keeps walking

Hearing shouts and flashes the photographers are having a field day with my hand on his elbow and then on his back they probably think I'm fucking him and he's my cute little old bottom bitch. He is a bitch don't get me wrong but not a bottom nor mine.

Shaking my head I hear my name being called , hiding my annoyance I snap my head to the voice and see a reporter smiling at us , Alen pokes me in the ribs and smirks at me when I look at him.

Looking at the reporter he's a fairly attractive guy , with a tan skin with a dimple popping out when he sees us coming to him, His hair is a brown color and his brown eyes makes him look like a puppy. He is shorter than me and Alen so we had to look down on him and he had to look up at us.

We didn't miss the scoff and eye roll when he had to look up , but I could tell it was playful.

Alen , don't say something stupid. I kept chanting in my head.

Turning my head Alenardo was busy smirking at the poor blushing boy , rolling my eyes I elbow Alen and stick my hand out to let him shake it.

After I exchanged a handshake with him, Alen takes his hand and bows and kiss his hand. Stupid fucking whore!

I swear he thinks with his other head!

Annoyance fills me, he had to mess this up too. I didn't want his business or mine to be slaughtered with him called a pervert, but much to my surprise the little guy blushed and gave him a small smile.

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