Chapter 25:The wall sprouted hands.

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(Dedication:adrasmarlon because Broken Strings and Little Boulders is the best ever. I truly cannot see my library without these stories. Go check out those story because adrasmarlon is so humble and deserve a lot of votes and reads.)

Anywho, you guys school is beginning tomorrow again. I want to cry really! The one guy I like in grade 7 and dated a year later started talking to me again. Okay maybe I started talking to him and he followed but it's only details. We would've went to the movies today but he couldn't any more.
I hope you enjoy the chapter and your week.

^^ Niki's yummy food.

---> Long way down- One Direction


I use to always when I was a kid look into the closet. Look into the hall and under my bed before I went to sleep. It was like a ritual. Even when my parents already tucked me in and kissed my forehead. I would always wait a few minutes until they're away from my room and check.

I thought that my parents didn't know that I did it. But thinking back I guess they did know. I didn't necessarily close the door silently. Or I didn't even try to tip toe back to the bed.

I would always put on my bed light on and then climb in. My toys weren't always packed away so I would trip over them and fall down and not gracefully either.

I guess that trait I never truly forgot about or worked on it. The clumsiness that is...

That really explained why I was now laying on the ground, In the living room and staring up at Amos. After I sobbed in his chest for almost a hour. I started dozing away after having no tears in me anymore.

I looked up at the clock hanging from the walls I see it's almost 7 o'clock. We must've really been tired to sleep through the remainder of the evening til the morning. Shaking my head I put a mental reminder to straighten out the uneven clock I hammered in the previous day.

Glancing back at Amos. His eyes were shut.His lips were jutted out in a pout. He look like a small child sleeping. His eye lashes were slightly long and rested comfortably on his cheeks.

It looked like his dreams was intense- either that or he was waking up. But it was the first one because his face relaxed again. His forehead that was creased are now smoothed out with slight frown lines.

His arms were spread out beside him. I can bet it if he was in a bed he'll be spread eagled in it. I guess imagining someone that calmed you down for almost his whole evening in a bed wouldn't be pure thoughts.

Looking down at the floor I blush. Drawing little shapes on the floor I wait for my cheeks to go back to their normal color.

After I woke up from the dreamless sleep. I started freaking out feeling someones arms around me. Adwin was a light sleeper so he always jumped up. He would assume the baddest and coddle me.

The fact that I then felt the person not waking up from my squirming made me anxious. I turned around snd saw his face and felt a bit better but it didn't stop the blush from spreading over my cheeks.

I tried to get out of his grip but surprisingly his grip on me only tightened. I loosened his grip and scooted away but I underestimated the size of our couch.

I scooted too far and fell down on the heap of blankets I must have thrown of in the process or flailing to my demise.

Flushing, I stand up silently hoping that I don't wake up my visitor. I walked on my tippy-toes to the kitchen and turned on the kettle.

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