Chapter 29: He cries gold

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Waking up early is bad.

Waking up early to go to sit in a classroom filled with stuffiness with a teacher groaning on and on about some guy that died ten thousand years ago but changed our perspective of poems and novels- is the worst.

Waking up to an alarm clock is annoying.

Waking up by and to smelly morning breath, little snores spilling out of someone else mouth and knobby knees pressed to your ribs is definitely more annoying.

But if that irritating snores comes from Marcel there's no way it's even as annoying as it should be. He looks like a cute little kitten when he's asleep.

Wild untamed bed hair laying around his head, his lips that I always are jealous about- slightly pouted, his eyes not entirely shut making it look like he's squinting at you if he didn't hear the snores coming from his mouth.

The snores I swear, Adwin snores like an ox that has a stuffy noise. He goes and gets the snore from his stomach using that abs for maximum sound. But Marcel sounds like small puppy breathing.

After cooing over him in my mind I head up to my room and started dressing for my class. Standing there in the shower the bottle of hair dye I placed in the shower caught my eye. I wanted to dye my hair while I don't have to go to school so it can wash out before then.

My class wasn't until 8:30 but since I woke up early I can make us some breakfast and then go to the- Really.

Now it struck me. On the third foxing day of the summer I forget. How can someone forget about not going to school?

The days that I can actually sleep late I wake up and shower only then remembering that it was summer break.

Sometimes I just want to pound my head in with a fist. Violent but so very desirable.

Shaking my head I tip my head back into the scorching hot water. A hot shower was the best in the morning. Normal people opened the cold tap so it's on its maximum then they opened the warm water.

Nikita opened the cold tap to its minimum then opened the warm water so it's on its maximum.

Adwin always scolds me when I come into the room with my whole body tinged pink from the warm water.

Rolling my eyes at my mind Adwin, I start washing up with my body wash. After scrubbing my skin till it feels warm and washing off the suds I squirt the shampoo onto my hand.

I don't follow the instructions they always print out on the label at the back of the bottles. I read it but don't interpret it in my showering every day. If they said use the size of a pea, I use the size of a palm like they say in a healthy eating plan.

Thinking about it now I usually don't do well with instructions because if I use instructions something bad happens.

Like the time I followed the recipe to the T. I threw in the flour, I mixed in the warm butter into the egg mix like they illustrated. I even used the same measurements of chocolates but it still made little clumps of batter they showed that I shouldn't look like. When I placed it into the oven after 15 minutes I took it out and the cupcakes were a golden color. I decorated it after it cooled down and waited for the guest of honor to arrive.

Adwin came home and looked quite surprised when I was sitting in a clean kitchen when I told him I made something. He laughed in my face but when I showed him the evidence he shut up.

He looked appalled by the fact that I didn't set myself or the house on fire.

I made us some hot chocolate with the cupcakes and stared in excitement while Adwin took the first bite. I could see the wince of disgust before I heard the bite being spit out.

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