Chapter 24: Silence only means trouble

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(Dedication: Oh my gosh! You guys because we have 1.42K reads on this book. You guys make me so happy when I see that someone's actually reading this and this isn't only something I read. (I don't. Don't judge me.) I am sooo thankful for people like you and I know I have been saying this forever and into boredom I still believe you guys are the best)

Anywho, I wasn't actually planning to update today because of me being sooo busy in the week and yesterday but I thought what the hell. Why not! But beware it will be short...

I hope you guys enjoyed your Easter weekends and your week. I ate a lot this weekend to be honest because my cousin- she makes the most delicious food ever. I swear she missed her calling of being a chef!


---> Say something- Great big world feat Christina Aguilera.


Taunting was a human way. It's as if it's a need. We always taunt people and we feel accomplished and pleased. People like to say we have something you don't have. Like when a lover gets dumped or gets cheated on they taunt. They go out and make the other person feel jealous and less of themselves.

We don't only taunt to show what we have that's different than other humans. We also taunt to lessen a person's self-worth and self-confidence. We want them to feel so low that no one can bring them back-ever.

Ashton was always like that. Since the day we stepped foot into that house she was that cocky self-loving bitch. She made everyone feel small around her. She liked the power. Her eyes told me that for sure. Her stance was always one of confidence and her walk was full of power. She always wears the pride she has for herself on her sleeve and always visible.

But this was definitely a new low for her. This was something beyond her power. How she could make someone feel like they're nothing is baffling to me.

"Ashton..." I warn. I was appalled on how she can just pick on someone she literally just glanced at. She hasn't even spoken to him.

Glancing at her judging eyes I see Nikita curling into himself. He was trying to deflect her advances but she keeps going.

Sentence after sentence her words don't only spike my lividness in her but makes me wince.

"Stop it, Ashton" I say through clenched teeth.

She was still rounding him like a prey. As if she'll pounce any minute...

Before her pounce can truly happen I roar at her. "I said stop it right now, Ashton".

Everyone went still for a moment. Her eyes glanced at me but before I can even utter Nikita's name he ran like the devil was chasing him. But oh no, the devil was standing there with a smirk but her eyes were full of fear.

The new information gave me pleasure. That Mighty Queen-Bitch can be scared by little old me makes me happy.

Shaking my head I glare at her but I don't say anything.

Turning my attention to the guards I see them staring at her in bewilderment and with gaped mouths.

Rolling my eyes I hold the words I truly want to say to her. "Please escort this trespasser out of the building. If she resist please call the police and put her in the CCTV room with Demetri while you wait for them. And if you see him, Demetri that is, please tell him I went home and he can have the weekend off. Thank you, Gentlemen." I said calmly. Pulling down my sleeves and button my blazer I turn around to face her. in the direction of my office. Her face was starting to look displeased. As if she didn't get the reaction she wanted to.

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