Chapter 32: Time flies when you're having fun.

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If someone said to me a few years back that I would be sitting across from this perfect angel I would've probably laughed at that person.

I don't do people, would be my remark.

And it's true. Back then the only people I did tolerate were the Jimenez's and a few hand-picked people. I think asking who I actually like would be easier than asking who I didn't like because that list is longer.

I don't trust people, would be my afterthought.

Giving trust to people is like giving them your heart or brain. And they have to hold it safe with them. If they leave it somewhere because they didn't want to bear that responsibility anymore or someone better came, you have to scramble around in a panic to restore that missing organ. I didn't like the fact that you are left vulnerable.

I think I've come a long way from there, I may have hurt my family on the way but they forgave me and all is well. I even made a friend or two. I even considered falling in love but that still gave me frights but not as much as it would've back then.

Adwin was talking to his college friends. The guy I saw at the exhibit and who encouraged Nikita to have dinner with me was Ben. He was like Alen in a type of way, his sense of humor. Alex was talking in the group too, flailing limbs everywhere. There was a tan girl with a silent guy next to her.

There was this huge guy with long hair, I have to say he scares me. I think his name was Zero... Zeno. He had a little brother Marcel who was busy blushing at something Alen was saying. Elijah was sitting on the sofa looking over everything but I can see his eyes skipping to where Alex was standing. There was something on there.

Nikita was in the kitchen. I felt a little out of my comfort zone with all the people around me and then the one person I only came for not in the room with me.

I was getting soft and I have to watch out for it, was my thought while walking the direction I saw him scurrying to. I heard a knock on the door and then Demtri's voice scolding Wyatt for just walking in without anyone answering.

Adwin demanded we call Demetri when he found out that he was sitting in the car in the lot. Nikita looked devastated when he saw that Wyatt wasn't here. So Elijah dialed the twins' number faster than ever. I'm glad that I wasn't the only one thinking that seeing Nikita upset was like seeing someone kicking a puppy- it shouldn't be like it.

Nikita may be shy but he's always happy and nice to everyone. I may be the reason why he was so hurt. And I felt like a asshole but I was turning from my ways. I wanted to have the cute little guy in my life, not as a lover or anything because that may be too soon but as a good friend.

I will never admit it out loud but since Nikita came in my life I have been contemplating things that I never would've thought twice of. And that was not even when he was constantly in my everyday life- just a few encounters here and there.

I walked through the entry way of the kitchen. I frowned when I saw Nikita standing by the sink. He had a white-knuckle grip on the edge and he was hunched over it.

I cautiously walked towards him. I purposely made my steps heavier to indicate that I was in the kitchen because I don't want to scare him.

His back stiffened at the sound but I ignored it. When I was behind him I softly placed a hand on his rigid back.

"Nikita" I said awkwardly, I wasn't very good with emotions but I'm definitely getting the practice with all the crying people I have to console at home.

He only shook his head. His whole demeanor indicated that he was getting reading to escape but before he can turn to scurry away I placed my hands on his shoulders.

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