Chapter 17:The epitome of cute and Disney.

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Hello my butterflies, I'm so sorry for not updating if you read the message I posted on my profile because I was in my hometown because my grandma was getting a operation so we went for support and it's easier being there than getting calls every hour and disturbing my aunts and cousins schedule. They were doing an angiogram where they push the camera up the vein in your thigh and fair enough my grandma is old but you know it doesn't matter either way, but there was talks about a heart valve replacement but it wasn't for sure but now it is so maybe there wouldn't be a update when we go for that but I'll try to update.

School sucks! Like really... The work we have because of why I was absent and the speeches I actually have to study for English and it's 6:53 pm. And I have math homework. :(

Anywho, If you want comment on the QOTC I want to get to know my readers and not have a one sided conversation I have most of the time with myself.

^^ Marc Schulze- Marcel

---> Army-Ellie Goulding


The thing about me is that I am not only very fragile – like a piece of frail paper: old and weared from the years reading or handling not only badly but with no care as if it's indestructible and would never snap like a ruler from all the stress put on that object.

That was me, fragile as a dried leaf but I'm not only that I'm a very sad person. No one ever knew why because I never really let people into my life and I knew exactly why.

After laying on the floor off the kitchen from the wonderful superpower of fainting, Alen once again disappeared and when he eventually came into the room his face was bright red and not a naughty-whisper-in-the-ear red but a vibrant red meaning he was angry.

His drawn eyebrows and his hard face was the first hints, clenched fists and scowls usually follows an gives you a better hint because nobody is as good at taking hints as me. Blue's Clues may be good but the investigating department should hire a pissed of woman I think then some men would see the inside of the jail instead.

Opening my mouth I went to speak but he gave me a short shake of the head and clenched his eyes shut like he always does when he's either irritated, mad or if he was trying not to cry. He sometimes clenched his eyes shut when he was studying to long or looking at sentences too long, I always tell him to go to the eye doctor because something like that indicates when your eyes needs to be tested.

Rolling my eyes I walked up to him and flicked his chest with my finger probably not hurting him because my finger wasn't the biggest or had the most strength even if it was a flick.

He clenched his jaw, I could see his whole body tensing and his eyes moving behind his eye lids probably imagining something calming.

When I went in to hit him again but this time on his arm with my hand he clasped my wrist in his grip and pulled me against his chest, his breathing was erratic and quite alarming.

After a few minutes of me calming him down by massaging his scalp and twirling his hair on my finger he went pliant against me and made me stumble back. After whispering a small 'Adwin' he tensed again and pulled away from the comfortable embrace, rolling my eyes I gave him a small tap on the nose.

"Let's go out for some dessert and then you, Mr. Grumpy Pants. Are going to tell me what happened in that time-lapse of me being left on the floor out cold, by the way I'm so not grateful for that you poopy face, and when I was in the world of the living again. Again why couldn't you just out me on the couch after fainting like the other bazillion times." I said while putting my hands on my hips and giving him a pointed look.

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