Chapter 18: If you want to kiss,smile when you give it back

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(Dedication:@youshouldbeproud -Because she is soo nice! Her story is so good and I cried my eyes out at the end because she is a really good writer, so you guys should definitely go check out her fanfiction but be aware you may die from the cuteness!)

Hii my little foot fungus's (I really don't know so don't ask me :D) I'm sorry about all the short updates but I'm kind of stuck. I need to ask you guys something... do you think I should do the POV in Nikita's for every chapter or just leave it like this and keep writing this way? I kind of like it this way but I don't know If you guys do so comment and tell me.

Anyway, this school and homework thing sucks. The one book we are reading or doing the questions about makes me frustrated and confused because I'm working and working but it doesn't end. But I have a essay I have to write but nah it's for Wednesday so it's fine I'll do it sometime but I may write my name up for a writing contest in my home language class but I'm still deciding.

I hate birthdays and today is mine so ugh! I love that I can start working but I hate birthdays I guess it just reminds you that you are one year older.

^^ Marlboro. 

----> Stiles Stilinski | straight to hell. (MurdererVampire)  


As a child I always hated when someone yelled at me it made me disappointed in me and the person who yelled at me, I always thought that maybe that I didn't do anything wrong because everyone yelled and yelled.

So hearing everyone yell at me for something I did to help them made me angry.

When Papi came into the office screaming at me with Alen and Papa standing there, Alen looked hurt and confusingly guilty.

He knew that I didn't want them to find out but I know him- he can't keep his mouth shut sometimes and that hurts him more in the end.

Staring blankly at them I remember about the screaming person on the phone. "I have to go, please tell him what I said. He doesn't need me in his life and I don't need him." Was the last thing I said for him and put the phone back on his place.

Closing my eyes I rub my temple and pinch my nose in frustration, all the while with Papi screaming in the background. It sounded like a buzzing was starting in my head and they stuffed cotton wool into my ears and I was pushed into water making everything sound so different.

Picking up my head I look at Papi and Papa seeing them staring at me with some type of worried expression on their faces.

Giving them a blank stare I raise my eyebrow the buzzing going away a bit but still in the background. "What, I need to work I have a lot of things to do. I don't want a repeat of the day in Alen's office so if it it going to happen you all can kindly leave" I said with slight venom in my voice.

Looking up at Papi I see hurt in his eyes but as fast as it showed it was gone, he stepped forward and lunged at me while screaming. "Pequeño bastardo desagradecido, soy su padre y que no voy a hablar a mí de esa manera" he screamed. (You little ungrateful bastard, I am your father and you will not speak to me like that)

He jumped on me where I sat on the office chair, he was punching my chest and sobbing. I didn't push him back or yell at him for punching him.

I was use to it by now being used as just a material doll passed between people not having any emotion because I can't have. People decide for me how I feel.

Hearing him call himself my father made my heart clench, I didn't know If it was because of pain or because of hearing someone care enough to call me their son even though I didn't have their blood or genes in my blood.

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