Chapter 28:GLEE

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I'm so sorry for not updating. I was a little busy with my grandmother getting a big heart operation and being there in the hospital with everyone so I didn't have actually feel like writing and I had to do homework can you guys believe it!

I'm not sure if this is entirely triggering, the previous chapter too, if you by any means think it is- contact me immediately so I can make a note. For me I can see it's a bit of darker topic especially if you're known to be soft but nothing entirely disconcerting. Like my sister for example can be touched by other people's heart ache and will cry for them in their place.

I hope you enjoyed your day and your weekend.

^^ Harry and Luke Threadway as Ricky and Wyatt.

---> Ellie Goulding - Your Song


We stared back at him perplexed. The room was silent. The sound of all our breathing was heard. Ricky was staring back at us. His rugged breathing could be heard throughout the whole room. The confession hung heavy in the air. It was a suffocating air enveloping us. It felt as if it was hard to breath in the words that was spoken not even a minute ago.

I glanced around the room. Papi's seemingly always red face was now void of any color. It made me worry that he was near fainting.

Glancing at the person occupying the only single chair in the living room I surely would've laughed if this wasn't such an out-of-the-blue confession and a bit more humorous thing we were talking about.

Papa's face was the epitome of cartoon. It was that classic slacked jaw, bulging eyes and complete surprised written on his forehead. Both Who and Declan was now silent. They looked appalled. Kellan sitting in between the adults was in his own bubble. He was still continuing what he was doing with one of Who's big hands.

In the corner of my eye Wyatt was rigid where he was seated on the steps. Elijah that was seated next to him was equally shocked. I didn't know how I look but I think I had an idea.

My gaze flickered back to Ricky. He was now seated on the floor. He looked devastated. His knees were under his body and his butt was propped up by his feet. His eyes were filled with tears but he didn't let them fall.

He wasn't one for showing his emotions. This, I think was only the second time that I've seen him showing emotions other than anger and blankness. The first time I have seen him this...raw was when I told them I had to go back home.

My mom was from Portugal and my dad from Greek, they both found themselves in Spain since they could remember. My grandparents brought them there before they were even born.

My mother always said that there was stuff happening in Portugal between family members that they rather didn't want children born into that.

My dad said even though he was very cross with his parents about it, he would've never met my mom if it wasn't for the fact that they had to move to Spain for his dad for work.

But for me it felt like here was home- United States was more home than it was there.

Our REAL home- where I grew up- was most definitely where my parents were but it was too much of a reminder of the entire thing that had happen there.

The principle had called me in his office for a talk.

Alenardo wasn't in the class when the woman that did all the admin, came in. These past few years I was in there too much to count that she knew my name and schedule. It was normally for punching an idiot or 'ignoring' a teacher. (Alen's dads were in the office because they took me out of the class. I didn't speak to the teacher apparently. But it was because I couldn't hear him over the ruckus the other people were making and the fact that I was a silent person)

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