Chapter 4:The tour sucked but he didn't suck me.

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Dedication: @HecDaevis (Because why not? I love his stories and I'll only wish to be as good as him one day. And if he's reading this I just want to say thank you because you truly have inspired me to write my own story that's BoyxBoy. You're truly a role model and I know I'm not always as social as your other fans on your story's comments I feel the need to do this to show my gratitude for your awesomeness and the books your create! Thank you )

Okay all sappiness to an end hehe.

I'm backkk loviess! Exams are here and raping me I tell you.. My first test I couldn't even finish and now I'm sad and put off. And the irony is it's a essay...

Anywhore, I wanted to get to know the readers! SO tell me your embarrassing flirt story or asking out story.

Mine is; Okay keep in mind I was like 7, so I liked this one guy obviously he was smaller than me and more popular. Looking back at it, it wasn't that embarrassing, he was actually a douche. I told my sister whose 4 years older so she said put a note and a stuffed bear on his desk. In that time I wasn't scared to talk to anyone, so I walked to him and asked him if he liked anyone, he said no. So I built up the courage to ask him with my teddy (we had a stuffed animal day in the class) but he just walked away. I'm sooo glad I didn't make a fool of myself! Okay maybe I did.

Now since I embarrassed myself it's your turn...

----> 2CELLOS- Hurt


Success, it's something that not only can be achieved by hard work and determination but also the lazy way; the way that's handed to you on a gold and diamond encrusted platter. But by hard work success can be as sweet as honey but sometimes it can be bittersweet. You lose family members, friends or lovers along the way just to achieve success.

Sighing in irritation I look up at the building I called my success, Alenardo kept talking my ears of and he sang obnoxiously loud and in accents the whole time. I felt as if I could throw him out of the car and then tell Demetri to run over him, reverse and then drive over Alen's body again.

A push to my body took me out of my morbid and psycho day dream, looking at the person who pushed me. It was a lanky but dainty boy blushing, he was tall but not as tall and large build like I am. His hair was white and he had a nose piercing trough his sternum and blue eyes to match his pale complexion, he was pretty but not my type. I liked my twinks small, but Alen...

The guy just kept staring at me and was opening and closing his mouth like a fish, I was worried for his health because he looked a bit... I heard footsteps beside and a hand clasped my shoulder, I could tell it was Alen because his cuff links is the cuff links I designed and made for him for his opening of his law firm.

I could already see the smirk on his face, he was going to flirt into this guy's pants of and he'll never know what hit him. "And what's a beautiful little thing doing here in the big ol' city" the small was correct, he was almost a whole head shorter than me and Alen was a bit taller than me and the beautiful was correct too.

"Umm-I-I-"he stuttered while looking directly at me."I-I-You're Amos Verges" he blurted out , when he heard he actually blurted that out and that he was babbling he blushed and bend down to pick up his spilled coffee cup from the ground. Alen nudged me and gestured to the small boys bum, rolling my eyes I glared at him.

When he was erect again I could see my blank stare made him uneasy but Alen laughed and shook my shoulder. "Don't worry about this big grump! He is Amos and I assume you're a fan from the stuttering and the redness of your face" he flirted.

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