Chapter 21: Fuck my life and everyone.

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(Dedication: All you guys! My oh my, DID YOU ALL SEE THE READS?! It's almost 1K...You guys are awesome and I also want to thank Private_Boner_Club for following me back and I think I'm in their club in so Yay to that. I still don't know so I guess...)

You guys, I can't anymore! It's so stressful at school and at home so I'm tired and just done but I guess I'm holding up. Reading books on Wattpad and just being here cheers me up a bit so comment something that cheers you up maybe I'll try it. No eating please haha because I'm trying to diet and this first week was HELL!

So anyway I hope you guys enjoy your week and this chapter.

^^ Hot Elijah (David Gandy he's sooo smexy!)

---> Youth-Troye sivan


I was seated on the foot of my bed dressed in nice clothes, my mommy was being send into the heaven today. Daddy said that the moment somebody goes to the place we wait to go to heaven there must be some kind of party where everyone cries or smile and then put them into the ground.

Why would they put them in the ground when the heaven was above, maybe I should give the man who made the party one of my rockets to send mommy to heaven that way.

Mommy was sick these last few months, I couldn't play with her or talk to her because she was in a white building they called a hospital. They always scolded me when I played in there, they said I was making everything worse and I started doing it in the beginning when I was brought here by the stork.

Daddy always disagrees and makes his angry face at them, he says that it was their decision of whether they wanted to or not. I don't understand what they're talking about when they say that so I just always go back to playing with my blocks and humming.

I was busy playing with the rocket I was planning to give the planning man when Dadda walked into the room, his once smiling face was looking like me when I was difficult and didn't take a nap when they told me to and his silver eyes were red. It look like it was hurting...

"D-Dada" I stuttered and stretched my hands above my head showing him I want up.

Daddy laughed but pulled me into his arms and squeezed me extra hard, I heard him sigh but my 7 year old mind didn't understand what it was, only knowing it tickled my neck.

Daddy walked out of my Star Wars room and into the living room filled with people I didn't know making me hide my face in Dadda's neck and almost hiding myself in his jacket.

People made me scared and made my words jumble together, mean grandma say's its because Mamma and Pappa spoil me too much.

They all spoke in our talk and smiled, Daddy said we are from Russia but came here when I was born so everyone here is from our place.

Hearing my name I peek up at Papa, he was pointing to a women who stood before me. It was Mean grandma, she always slaps me when I'm bad but Daddy yells at her when she does.

I whimpered and cuddled into his arms, shoving my face in his neck. I heard him tickle my neck again but didn't slap me meanie.

Soon when everyone was in the room people started talking hard again." (Feliks, that boy needs manners. He gets spoiled to much, that's why he's like that.)

Dadda shook his head and kissed my head. "Mama, vy znayete, kak ya chuvstvuyu ob etom . YA vsegda byl takim , chto tozhe, kogda ya byl molozhe , i ya do sikh por . I zaikayetsya - inogda slishkom prosto , kak on, Diana vsegda govoril, chto , potomu chto on molod , on budet rasti iz etogo nam prosto nuzhno lyubit' yego" I felt a water droplets fall on my head making me look up seeing Daddy crying. (Mother, y-you know how I f-feel about this. I was a-always like that too when I was younger and I'm still. I s-stutter s-sometimes too just l-like him, D-Diana a-always s-said th-that bec-because he-he's young he'll grow out o-of it we j-just need to love him)

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