Chapter 33:We all have drama and have scars that can't be seen.

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Stuttering is a burden. I always got teased back when I was in school.

They always tell you how stupid you sound. And they did it good. Some even went out of their way and insinuated that I was dumb by talking slower.

The students would overly pronounce words and talk louder because they thought I was deaf. I don't know how they connected a stutter and something that shouldn't be joked with, together.

At the beginning of every year the teachers would call me after class. The overly repeated 'If you're struggling with any of the subjects. Please tell me and I will see to it that you get a tutor in them' speech was given to me. That was even more reason for the cruel kids to mock me.

Ironically enough I was the one who was the smartest, not to sound conceited but I was. I had so much free time on my hands I didn't know what to do with it, so I powered myself in learning.

Learning was the only way I could escape from the horrid thing called life.

It was like reading, it took you away from your realistic horrible life. I always loved learning English- especially literature. The poems and books were the best. Seeing the way the writer used metaphors and similes, comparing two things that would've never worked but they make it work. It was subtle but so beautiful.

I even loved the most hated subjects of them all-biology. I loved biology even though the teacher was a mean old witch. I adored learning about how the systems in our body. On how everyone had an opinion how the world started and how babies were formed. How the genes of our mothers and fathers were passed onto us. Which eye, hair, skin color or trait was dominant and which one was recessive.

The stars and planets were a topic we only briefly touched but it was really interested. The animal and plant part was my absolute favorite. I didn't know why it was but to see the ways and sketches of how the animals survived in their food chain. The defense mechanism they owned, the magnetic pull they had towards their habitat.

The plant part of biology was fun for me because of all the sketches of the beautiful flowers.

Subjects like art and photography helped me through my school life. Just walking into that class and smelling the paint or the clean solution we used for the brushes, exhilarated me. Walking into that dark room and feeling buzzed because for the first time in 6 days you could develop the pictures, the pictures that you took of your life.

People always tell you that you don't stutter when you sing. That was true because when I'm jamming in the showers and singing horribly off key, I don't even stutter once.

These last few days I found out that I didn't stutter when I was texting. I guess it should've been obvious but I found it out just know because me and Amos were texting just about every day.

It was already a week since the party and I'm quite relieved that Adwin didn't decide on another one because unfortunately then I have to move.


Good morning.

I'm truly sorry about the idiotic boys I call brothers. They are rather irritating and childish all the time so I didn't get my hopes up with them behaving.

Was what I woke up to the next day. I was sitting on my bed and waiting for Adwin to return with my tea because he woke me up at the butt crack of dawn.

Why, because he couldn't sleep so he woke me up to suffer with him.

Well then I guess next time I have to 'forget' to invite them. Haha XD

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