Chapter 19: Poet on the Block

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(Dedication: To all of you guys because 700 reads made me soo happy. I love you all truly and I'm sorry you read this awful book haha)

Hii my cactus's, This week was so warm here and it feels like I'm dying when I go outside or even take a step away from my fan. School is just stupid and the people in the school are retards I swear.

Anywho, The previous chapter I asked if you guys liked that I alternated between seeing in Amos's point of view and Nikita's but no one of you commented  So please tell me if you like it or not. Because maybe you guys think that I should rather continue with Nikita's point of view and then every now and then go back to Amos's? or if I should write both in one chapter please comment down below and let me know.

^^ Lanken! ( I had to, I'm sorry)

---> The Voice 2015 Jordan Smith - Semifinals: "Somebody to Love"


I always thought that if I had friends they would always stab me in the back or just use me for when they thought I was worth it but I never really comprehended it, if I was alone that would also happen no matter what. People made it their life mission to stab people in the back just to hurt them and that because of jealousy.

After we talked a bit more and him taking a selfie with me much to my dismay.("C'mon,Ni. I have to have a famous Instagram account if I get a big bad model!" he said and laughed after he said it.) He laughed at his own dreams and his statement but I could see in his eyes it wasn't supposed to be funny and he yearned for that to happen. ("Don't you worry Mr. Big Bad and Handsome you'll make it I swear even if I had to write every article about you and buy every newspaper and magazine I see with you in it and cut the article out and paste it on your walls just to show just how talented you are" I said while giving him a big goofy smile.) When I told this he just gave me a small smile as if to say that he sympathizes with me because that dream will never happen and he made amends with it that this was just a hobby and will never become a work like he said countless times for me when I talked about art.

He changed the subject instantly, to the way I didn't stutter when I said that I would do that article.

He was surprised when I said it with so much determination and anger that I didn't even stutter but I was also surprised by that, I didn't even know I could say something without stuttering but looks like I'm not a complete failure after all.

I shook my head to get those thoughts out of my head.

Not again, I reminded myself.

We walked around a bit and went into an art shop,I had to drag Adwin into the shop because he kept whining and saying he didn't like stuff like that and he didn't like me spending every penny on art supplies that I'll maybe never use ever.

I counterattacked and said that he buys a lot of beauty products for his hair and his acne but if it doesn't work he doesn't use it again. He pointed out it wasn't the same but he reluctantly let me pull him into the aisles.

The smell of paint and the feel of the canvas under my finger always calmed me and made me happy. And with Adwin it felt familiar and me feel safe and secure

I bought a few sketching pads because mine was almost full, a big white canvas (for my 'art' class) and a few tubes of oil paint. I was so happy I had a new place that I knew I will be visiting quite often,

Adwin looked irritated but I knew I looked excited and happy for once in my life.

After that we thought that maybe we should get home because I need to some homework and start on that article.

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