Chapter 7:Stupid box, he's taunting me with his brown cardboard evilness

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(Dedication:@chenoaluv for her comment. Okay let me tell you this made my day , maybe week. She commented on one of the first chapter and said 'I would have pimp slapped him, kicked him where the sun don't shine and took the knife out my heart and stabbed him with it till he spat up blood coming out of his mouth and his nostrils. And maybe stabbing him in the esophagus depending on how I felt that day'. She then said on the next Nikita chapter that she doesn't like this character and it gets on her nerve, I messaged her and asked her why-thinking maybe she hates my book but oh no sirie. Messaging me back she said it's my story and I can do what I want (firstly that's so kind and so polite) she then said 'that it's like watching TV and you hate what the character is doing and your like no' And plus she gave me an idea for a book so YASSS you go girl. She actually LIKES this story!!!)

Anywho , I'm so done with exam (but it's definitely not done with me ) plus my mom's car wouldn't start so we sat there in the parking lot with our food in the car waiting for the thing to stop being a bitch and start. It has done this 3 times before and it just pisses me off! So a guy sitting in his car had to help us , (he had slippers on! Ha) so this chapter is a bit late excuse moi!

Danell Leyva-Danell

Sam Oldham-Sam

Nikolai Kuksenkov-Nikolai the coach.

----> Beyonce- I was here


Standing here, I thought of all the pain I had to endure the thing that should not be taken away from somebody. Even after all the times I just wanted to run away and never look back I still did it and it gave me a immense amount of pleasure. This flimsy piece of cloak made me feel empowered in a weird way. Never will I ever would've guessed that me and Adwin would've have meet or that we'll finally get away from here.

Adjusting the graduation gown I looked away from the mirror , call me vain but today was gonna be a great day , Not Britney nor any one will take my good mood away. Looking at the empty bed beside mine made me smile, we were doing this together and that made me so happy. Years of laying under a blanket in the dark and planning every measly thing down to the core paid off. But still something is holding me back, someone. Even though that said person is a sadist and finds pleasure in hitting me , but that said person is who kidnapped my heart and will forever have it. I know the things he do when he thinks I don't look or don't see but I oversee it and forget about it as silly and naïve as it sounds.

After that day at the parking lot when Addy and Enzo was at each other's throats I told Adwin I'm fine and Enzo will take me home because we had to talk

"Don't worry Adwin, I'll be fine. We are just going to talk and maybe I'm going to hang around there for a bit after" I said to Addy where we stood under the tree. He looked at Enzo who was seated on the grass massaging his jaw. It was already bruising up, Ad luckily didn't get a punch because he had a competition that night that I was attending.

Sighing he nodded and hugged me putting his chin on my head , a clearing of a throat made me jerk to see Enzo standing there with a fake smile but his eyes held anger.

Shaking I pull away from Adwin with a small smile , turning around I find Enzo already halfway to the car , looking down at my feet I walk to the car feeling quite anxious for what was to come.

Looking up I find the before me his car staring back at me, I felt like I was walking to a hanging. I sighed and picked up my speed when I see Enzo in the already started car, climbing in I didn't make eye contact with Enzo because I knew his face would be contorted into anger and his mouth would be curled into a sneer.

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