Chapter 10:It's supposed to look like that

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(Dedication:To all my readers because without you reading this it would've already be either behind schedule or just deleted)




Eat, sleep for an hour, wake up, stare up at the ceiling cursing my brain for not sleeping, stand up work out, eat, go to work and go home.

And the cycle continues on for eternity, I'm so sick of routines I don't want to just do that few stuff I want interesting, I want to jet of to Paris and go to a fashion show on short notice.

I want to go to Milan and buy the silkiest and most beautiful material for my dresses and clients.

But I'm too busy and I have no one to share stuff like this , I can't just take my lover spontaneously to Seychelles for a week because news flash I don't have one.

Don't get me wrong I don't have the interest for it but still I get lonely in that big house, I do get bored with my routine and I do not like sleeping in a big bed alone.

And that's why I'm at my dad's house, I marched into the kitchen where my Papi was located and cursed him for not having a fence around the house again.

"No entiendo por qué no pones una puta valla alrededor de esta casa, podría ser mucho mejor y más seguro" I exclaimed while throwing my arms in the air for emphasis. (I don't understand why you don't put a fucking fence around this house, it could be so much better and safer)

He turned around with a wooden spoon in his hand and glared at me."Joven, no me hagas tirarte sobre mi regazo y le pega al infierno fuera de usted" Raising my hands in the air in surrender I walked to the stool at the counter. (Young man, don't make me throw you over my lap and spank the hell out of you)

"Así que ¿debo el placer de venir y visitar en una semana de trabajo?" he said dramatically while stirring something in the pot, it was unusual for me to come visit them on Mondays. (So who do I owe the pleasure of you coming and visiting in a work week?)

"Bien puedo preguntar lo mismo por qué no estás en el restaurante " I said while staring at the pot hinting for a taste. (Well I can ask the same why you're not at the restaurant)

He rolled his eyes and dipped the spoon in the food and walked to where I was sitting, Papi and Papa had opened a restaurant just after Alen graduated.

The twins were not even in high-school when they decided to open up O'Malley's, it was a pizza place but with more Spanish cuisine mixed into the dishes.

Opening my mouth he pushed the spoon in my mouth and gave me a slice of cucumber, the spices hitting me instantly but then the coolness of the cucumber afterwards made my taste buds explode.

"Mm, that's good. I think maybe I'll stay for lunch then" I said making him laugh. Staring at him I raised my eyebrow at him.

Sighing he took my hand and pulled me into the living room ,the white walls giving it that calm effect a parents house has.

The furniture's handles and frames were from weaved bamboos and the sitting part was from material that had a gold tint to it, the floors was white wood and I think a bitch to clean up.

I remember the time when me and Alen rode our bikes back to his house after practice all dirty and sweaty and we would come in and put all our stuff down like the lazy boys we were even if I did tell Alen if I get yelled at I'll ignore him for weeks, he told me his dad's would be home in a few hours and we could pick it up before then. I rolled my eyes at him and studied while he played video games, Papa arrived and fell over our shoes and cursed at us but a minute later Papi arrived.

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