Chapter 22:The villagers are going to kill us with pitch forks and torches.

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(Dedication: Jaun-Marie Because her question is this week's QOTC, she didn't ask it on the book but on my profile so I just had to put it in the book. If you're reading this thanks for the question and all the votes. She truly is one of my saviors on Wattpad because without her and you guys I wouldn't feel so good about this book and I know I've said this a thousand times before but you guys inspire me! And HeatherHartung for the votes)

Anywho, I have a announcement. If any reads my messages I post you'll know we just got 1.16K reads (Oh my word I sound like a YouTuber) I want to thank all the people who commented and who actually reads this book because without you guys I would've abandoned this book. If anyone wants to talk or comment even if it's a chapter from 1995 I don't care and nobody cares when its put up there so don't be shy, look up to the sky!

I hope you enjoy this week and I wish you all letters from your crushes and kisses from you boyfriends and girlfriends.

^^ Danell Leyva

---> Of Monsters And Men - Wolves Without Teeth


Sensing something is going to happen was always a skill of mine. I had the undeniable talent/ burden of just knowing something was going to happen.

But I guess knowing Pa-Omar and Leo would show up at my house, with every Jimenez kid with them. That was just me knowing them. Knowing if they did wrong they instantly had to apologize, even though maybe that people didn't need it. Then again I guess then it's not a skill, just me being a very observant person-knowing people...

Sitting in the bar I knew they will all be sitting in the living room waiting for me. Everyone would then stand up in fake worry. They would sit me down and ask me why I'm so cold. Then the fake anger/hurt will come in and they would be saying that they miss me and that I made them worry. The 'done' emotion will then come. They would then be asking if I still want them in my life because they feel like a burden.

They want a yes from you, my mind was screaming at me. They want you to say that you don't need them anymore so they can be alone-Without you in their life being a burden.

Shaking my head I just kept drinking my Whiskey and kept to myself. I had numerous missed calls but ignored them all when seeing they were from the Jimenez clan. The calls were from four hours back. I was sitting here for almost 5 hours. It was 12 o'clock when I pulled out of the driveway of the apartments. It was busy getting dark then emphasizing truly the amount of time I was sitting here ignoring and declining calls from people who didn't care about me. The only call I answered was from my bodyguard.

Demetri had called and said he was worried. He wanted to know if I was alright because he had a very rushed conversation with Omar or someone. The person talked so fast he didn't even get to ask who it was.

I only shrugged of his comment and changed the subject saying I was okay. I was in a bar a few blocks from the home and that I would be coming home late so he could either stay in the extra room in the courters the few security people stayed in. Or he could go home.

Like every other time I just give need a drink and a breather. He demanded that he would come and get me. Obviously lying about jogging in the neighborhood out of boredom, just to come and get me.

You don't deserve getting this much love or worry from a person.

A few drinks later I see a sweats covered Demetri walking into the bar ignoring all the stares he attracts. Well, he is a beast of a man... He didn't even looked fazed by the fact that I choose to take the table at the back or not talking to one person around me. I just kept my head down.

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