Chapter 6:More than just a term or a smart sounding article on Wikipedia

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(Dedication: Jaun-Marie She won the Question of the chapter and she's just so cool, she's from the same country as me and just legitimately so cool. I also want to thank her for all the votes and reads I appreciate it greatly)

Also I want to thank xxSpongeBobbyxx for all her votes because sometimes you just think of deleting the story you wrote because nobody reads it but then people like these just comment, vote or message you and it boost your mood and also your confidence in the book

Hii loviessss...! I'm soo hyped, because One Direction's Made in the A.M is finally out and I'm sooo glad but also sad because of the hiatus they're going on *Insert sad face*but they deserve it and we can't wait for them to come back energized and just relaxed...

Anwhore, seen in the dedication @ won the QOTC and the comment is:

Knock Knock

Who's there?

Joudel ly he...

Joudel ly he who?

I didn't know you can Joudel?!

----> WESTLIFE - I'll be there

Amos's family above ^

David Gandy-Elijah

Jesse Williams- Declan

Ewan McGregor-Leonardo

Andres Velencoso- Omar

Harry and Luke Treadaway - Ricky and Wyatt


Family, it's a metaphor for people we love. It can be of a group of people affiliated by birth, marriage or living on the same piece of land. So many scientists have been studying the term of family-if it's just from blood ties or from loving someone like a sister or brother and seeing them as family. We even use the term of family in just a general social or domestic group: Even in science , mathematics ,statistics , religion , art , film, literature, theatre , music, television and crime we use the term. That was how I felt family was, just a term people used loosely for a joke.

But family is something more than just a term or a smart sounding article on Wikipedia. (*nervously laugh and runs away*) It shows love, the kind of love you only wish of as a small boy in a house with no love or as a teenager in a world with no kind people. Family is a term that you use for the people you truly love and adore so much that you think of them as blood related.

Looking at the house I basically lived in as a teenager made my heart swell a bit and my blank face break a bit. I can physically feel the wall around my heart break and my promise of not smiling breaking too.

Nodding at my driver I climbed out of the black Nissan Juke, Demetri in tow. I told him he could go home but he refused and told me he has to come and make sure I'm fine. I felt like a toddler with him hovering over me and being around always but I knew he was just there to keep me safe even though I could probably help myself if it came to that. It's not even dark outside, it's like 5 pm.

Walking to the front door I curse Papi and Papa for not getting a fence around the house. ("Just get a fucking fence around the gosh darn house, damnit".

"Don't make me whoop your ass, boy" was the only thing Omar said.

"It ruins the cleanness of the house with building a big tacky metal cage around it" was Leo's response.)

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