Chapter 30: How To Tell Your Mother There Will Be No Grandkids In Her Future

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Being gone for a long time and coming back always feels weird to me. I never frequently take time off but when I do, it was long periods of time. Sometimes it would be weeks on end...

Every time I get bad again I would be completely off of the grid.

The last time it was almost a month of me not coming into the office. The rumors that were spreading at that time were cringe worthy. Not for my reputation but for their existence...

"Amos Verges was found dead in his apartment building, signs of foul play" (Everybody that was close would now if I was dead one of them would find me or Dimetri would call them but Papi was terrified that one was true so he blew up my phone with calls. My voicemail was filled with his high pitched screaming.)

"Is Amos Verges running away from the Mafia?" (That one is just... I can't even to be honest.)

"Amos Verges seen in hospital in Paris for revolutionary cancer cure after diagnosed with prostate cancer" (I was not even near the continent at that time or in the hospital's range- any one at that.)

This one truly stole the show. "The Amos Verges reportedly pregnant with singer and songwriter Sam Smith's kid."

The fact that I was MALE -as in I had sperm not eggs, balls not boobs, a penis and not a uterus -didn't really stop them.

I only met Sam once and that was for an outfit he would be wearing for a Red Carpet Event. Also, we were in a public setting: no hands were even touching so how could we jump or seem interested in each other if we have only been seen once before together?

And just because he came out as gay in that time they thought they would be cute and say something about it or make a big deal about it. Just because he came out doesn't make it like he'll jump every single gay or straight man alive.

And besides Sam was a really nice guy actually. He kept apologizing when he arrived late and insisted then on paying for the meal because of it. He was quite clumsy and awkward also, so it made it endearing.

Thinking about doing it with him is like thinking about doing it with a little confused puppy- criminal if you asked me. Not even to speak of illegal.

I think the rats were having a field day with me not being in the outside world for so long. And to think of it, it was just one day made their rumors (that I'm sure are pilling in) - unjustified.

I guess I expected the very subtle (not really) stares that were directed at me.

Rolling my eyes I glare at every one of them, they scurried away and went on with their work. It wasn't even a day since I've been here.

I think the fact that I'm always the first here and last to go made them a bit confused but really it's not worth it to look like an idiot gaping at me like that.

Overdramatic antics were never ones I have time for.

Stalking down the halls I step into the elevator. I'm sure I looked like a man on a mission with the precise and lengthy steps I was taking.

There were a few people just standing there looking between them awkwardly. Rolling my eyes I glare at no one in particular. I stretch over a frozen blonde boy and push my office number.

After taking my previous position I stared in front of me and caught awkward eye contact in the reflecting surface.

When they caught mine they would quickly avert their eyes to the sides or to the ground.

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