Chapter 35: There's no 'two left hands' in the kitchen but you're

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{1 July-Friday}


Amos' dad is so lucky. I'm not talking about having such hot children and husband. It's the house and kitchen out of ones dreams.

The house was out of the house design magazines. The magazines I always secretly page through at the drug store when I wait for Adwin to pay. The floor manager always glares at me when I come in but it's my right to look at the content before I buy it because if it's not the money worth then I'm not wasting mine.

The outside was a beautiful cream yellowish color that contrasted well with the gray roof. The entrance was even stunning because as if it was a separate home with the walls being grey stone and the roof grey also. When you stepped into the house it felt like a home and not a big cold slab of concrete and tiles.

When I stepped in everything was beautiful-From the stairs to the living room. The walls were the same shade as the outside with the stairs on the right side by the kitchen. The furniture was a blur because Leo pulled me away from the chattering people and demanded I helped cooking.

The kitchen was magnificent. Counters made of wood were against walls made of grey granite. Stools with backrests that have intricate carvings were placed at the one counter. I could cook up a storm here...

I think my mouth hung open because someone patted my shoulder, it was Papi. "I know little guy, I know. I had the exact feeling when Papa bought this house. Wait till I show you the green house!" He said while walking towards the fridge and pantry.

"You're on chopping duty but Amos told me how your dessert was to die for. So today I'm showing you how to make an authentic Spanish dessert." He said while scurrying around in the kitchen searching for everything.

I nodded my head and thought how we were so similar in the kitchen. I'm always panicky and rushing around-not standing still for one moment not even long enough for my feet to make a mark in the inevitable spilled substance.

He kept muttering by himself probably racking his brain for all the ingredients to pick out. When he came towards me with an armful of ingredients I rushed to help him but he only shook his head and basically threw them where I once occupied leaning on the counter.

He blew his hair out of his face and stopped a rolling tin of food. "Carbs on the run!" He screamed making everyone in the living room groan but Leo snicker.

I smiled at the joke and turned towards the ingredients there was spices- a lot of them. That was the most of the ingredients but between the bottles of glass I could see some rice and different kinds of vegetable like red peppers.

"I hope you like seafood because we were planning to have a fish night tonight. The boys are frying some fish and I'm making a sea food paella with side dishes." He said while putting on an apron.

My mouth fell open but then I felt bad. Now he has to rush around to put food together just because me and Adwin came into the mix.

"These boys can eat a bunch so I have to make 2 main dishes and side dishes like salads or homemade bread or I have a hoard of hungry men in my bedroom at 11." He said pulling a apron over my head.

"B-B-But..." I stuttered. "No, butts are for sitting on. You two will definitely not be overstaying your welcome if that's what you're worried about." He patted my head and pinched my cheeks saying something in the line of 'So cute' in Spanish.

I nodded obediently and he gave me a big smile making me return it instantly.

He gave me a cutting board, the ingredients and the knife I would be chopping with. He then proceeded to take the plastic tubs I didn't even see from the sink and washed off the things he pulled out from there.

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