Chapter 11: A magnificent specimen.

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(Dedication:MissKaylee96. I absolutely love your books and eventhough I already posted a message on her profile I feel like I have to dedicate this chapter to her even if it's not as good as hers.)

Hii lovies... This chapter is going to be short but after the Christmas Season and my cousins from Australia leave then there would probably be a huge chapter to apologise ! Sorry my lovly little sunflower seeds♡

^^ Nikita style

---> Stone Cold- Demi Lovato



To say I'm lost is an understatement, not physically but mentally. Where am I going? What am I doing with my life after college? Am I really going to be a successful person like my mother who had her own fashion magazine or a normal man like my dad who selled fish bait and lawn movers for a living. Even though their dead and I can't remember their voices I still want to make them proud. They were my only family and my only parents that I had, I loved them dearly but did I really want to take over my mum's magazine , did I want to be in that spot light because I doubt my social awkwardness and shyness will let me be in it for long.

My mind was swirling with the negative thoughts seeing Adwin in his element, he lived for his new job or hobby whatever he calls it but I can see he enjoys it. Never ever would I have thought I'll see Adwin Daniel Ryder walking on a catwalk for one of our classmates project in the yearly student exhibition, Alexander saw him around and had one more spot to fill.

Adwin winked at me from where he was seated at the make-up station, giving him a small smile I looked down to my feet. Everyone lived for tonight. The college student body and some people high in the industries are visiting the exhibition; every respectful department had a group of judges and successful person. Each and every department had his own couple of booths in their lecture building with people doing speeches and if they can, a big production to show what that specific department can do.

The exhibition is like a big concert where the students have an opportunity to show everyone what they can accomplice, some do it for the vain reason to be discovered, other do it for their future in getting lined up for internships and some just do it for the love of it or maybe the amount of prize money they can reel in, because living of the stereotypical ramen noodles don't usually help with your sanity levels.

The last time I have seen this much commotion over something was when they found a couple of stoned guys running around in the art department shouting "Mona Lisa can kiss my big, hairy and fat ass", let's just say the head master (who had a weird Mona Lisa infatuating that consisted from Mona Lisa inspired artworks that decorated the whole room from the ceiling to the desk) didn't find it funny.

I think Adwin was hoping some model agency will maybe see him and sign him or just recommend him for a real model agency, this past few months that we were enrolled in this college I could see he was a little off, he didn't know what he was doing here, he just wanted to get out of that damn town. He knew what he was getting into even though he had a scholarship for the gymnastics he did on the low key (yeah, big bad Adwin did gymnastic) He was actually really good, even though nobody but me did know about that) but seeing him now I wouldn't say this was the same moping little girl laying all day eating ice cream (but if he was ever asked he would say I was lying). But I couldn't talk because my major doesn't seem right anymore, I was studying to become a teacher but that dream doesn't seem challenging enough ... I want something challenging and not in the norm of the everyday nine to five pattern of self-destruction. Maybe-

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