Chapter 39: Clearly someone is getting a blowjob.

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{1 August 2016- Monday}


I was currently sitting at my desk, sketching. Amos was busying with a consultation in the meeting room so I was taking a break from writing the article for the school newspaper.

Things changed from a month back, Amos was friendlier towards everyone and I included plus he trusted me with more work. He even let me draw a sketch in one consultation. I didn't know much of fashion but I picked up a lot since working here. I knew which material went with which and how some colors goes with certain materials.

It was something I could've gone without knowing but, because I worked here I had to know stuff like that.

I have to admit, I am a bit sad that I have to draw dresses the whole.

Something I was very happy doing the whole day is staring at Amos. He always concentrates so hard that he doesn't even notice when I'm staring.

I made a lot of friends here in the building, especially the interns. They were all nice enough and didn't stare at me in disgust like most posh people I walked into in this building. I even have a friend in the financial team. Since Adwin isn't home much I resorted in other people like Amos, Ben and my new friends.

Adwin was finally signed with an agency. It happened at his previous shoot; well it wasn't technically his shoot but rather Elijah's, but Elijah is helping Adwin so he invited him to tag along and one thing led to another. Apparently, someone suggested for Adwin to pose with Elijah in some photos so Elijah thought that maybe it was time for him to send his resume and a few photos of him to an agency. After a week exactly, they emailed him for an interview. I assume it went well, because he signed after all.

I'm so excited for him but he is forgetting about me and that hurts me more than anything. He's either at a shoot or at some press thing. His shoots were located at beaches since it is summer and summer vacation so that was the ultimate location for parties. And since he's just been signed they want him to come to every party that they host, but I'm quite sure he doesn't care if he has to go.

I was so busy being bitter that I didn't hear someone come in.

"You know my brother pays you to do your work and not to daydream about him," He said with a smirk plastered on his face. In these last few weeks I sympathized with Amos and I now understand why he always glares when he sees Alen entering the room.

I glared at him with red cheeks and stuck my tongue out at him. His smirk only grew. He strutted towards the desk chair and plopped down into it.

Amos always warns him about that chair, the one screw in the chair is loose but he still hasn't made any effort to fix the problem. Like a big problem- if someone (Amos) sits on that chair and the thing just decides to break, that person (Amos) can get hurt severely.

My scowl only deepened when he placed his feet on the desk in front of him. His hands were behind his head and his eyebrow was raised in a silent Does this irritate you, type way.

"I'm n-not daydreaming a-about him, you idiot," I said trying to not let my glare soften. I wasn't going to let him win this time, especially after this morning's fight that he won. I was determined to serve his bum on a platter.

That was our entertainment for the day, me and him bickering. Usually Amos or Alex gets irritated and kicks us out, in the time that they need to cool off we go for lunch or brunch since we bicker from 8 until late.

"Whatever, Nikita. Everyone can see how you drool over him when he's not looking. It doesn't take a genius to see it," He said nonchalantly while twirling a pen between his fingers only for it to fall. He grunts in annoyance and glares at the pen, but he doesn't make a move to pick it up.

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