Chapter 31: I don't know if I'm against the idea of it.

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Cooking was one of my passions. Aside from art I had lots of weird pet peeves and traits I developed through the years.

The one thing I desire is having someone having fun finding out everything that makes me smile, frown and cringe. I wish for sitting with someone and blushing while they teased me about the embarrassing stories I told them. To think back at the smiles we shared of stories that made you feel nostalgic, stories about rides in wheelbarrows, sitting in tumble dryers and tea parties.

I wish to sit down at a table with all my friends and have him staring at me while I laugh with them, not a subtle glance. No fill on staring and having that adoring face paired with it. I wish for the soft touches and soft whispers under the stars. I wish for all the romantic movie moments...

I wish for the tears...happy tears. Tears of happiness sliding down my cheeks because that special person remembered the story of me when I was younger with a little 'bebbie' - my stuffed monkey. And he went out of his way and bought me one that looked exactly like the one I showed him.

Oh how I will for that.

But deep down it feels like I will never get to have that. I will never have that because I'm too broken and incurable for the. I'm to damaged and therefore ugly to have that reserved touches and stares. I'm too shy for the teasing. I'm too... me.

Sighing I stare down at the sauce I was busy staring at.

My thoughts were too deep and complex for having it while cooking dinner for a lot of people. Friends (hopefully they see me that way) nonetheless but still a loud group of people that were invited into our home.

A lot of people equal heaps of food that should be cooked. After Adwin took me out for the day and we crashed instantly, I told him that he will help or I will slap him so hard.

"S-So ho-how man-many p-people ar-are in-invited to th-this sud-sudden din-dinner p-party of y-yours" I said while munching on a bite of ice cream.

"Well I told them they could bring one person with them, only one. So it's Amos and his plus one, Marcel and his plus one, Ben and his plus one, Alexander and his plus one, Nadia and her plus one. OH and I also invited one of the dancers and her boyfriend to come to." He said nonchalantly while counting off the names on his fingers.

When I saw his final answer I chocked on my spoonful of chocolate ice cream.

"7 people-11 people" Adwin corrected me.

"T-That's wo-worse! Ho-how d-d-do yo-you exp-expect u-us to w-wine and d-dine 11 fr-freaking p-people i-i-in t-this h-house." I stuttered out while fussing around.

"I-imagine th-the am-amount of f-f-food I h-have t-to pr-prepare b-because h-h-heaven kn-knows y-you wo-won't c-c-cook." I said while rummaging through the cupboards.

I had to get the ingredients and everything, I thought.

Adwin only chuckled and grabbed me by the shoulders when I rushed by him.

"Don't worry" He said while hugging me.

"E-easy f-for y-you t-to s-say y-y-you jus-just in-invite th-the pe-people and I-I have to d-dine them. Y-you better h-help me b-because this is a b-big a-amount o-of foo-food I h-have to p-prepare." I retracted from his embrace and glared at him. He only chuckled and promised.

Well that promise was broken after 12 minutes in the kitchen.

He helped me by cutting up the potatoes and other vegetable for the oxtail stew. He cut the potatoes in cubes and got distracted by the carrots.

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