Chapter 36: 4th of July

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{4th of July- Monday}


The declaration of Independence- The first time I heard these words was the first 4th of July I spent with Jimenez family.

In school I never really studied for subjects such as history and Math because I knew how I wouldn't even have to know about World War II or how to work out the speed of a plane that slows down but takes 4 hours getting to  destination that a train made in x hours and 34 km/h.

I only studied enough for me to get through the grade.

The fourth of July in the Jimenez was a big celebration. Papi and Papa's families were both overseas so I never met them.

To be honest I don't want to meet them, I didn't want to hear how they reject me and forbid Papi from having me here.

The first 4th of July in the States, I was alone.

The host family was on a business trip again and I didn't go. And I was so irritated the day about the fact I was up the whole night with nightmares, that when Alen asked me what we were going to do for my first celebration I snapped at him that I was alone.

I didn't want him to know because I was told that talking about it only seeks attention and I didn't deserve attention.

He snuck into my house that morning and dragged me out.

I punched him in the face when I felt someone tap my shoulder because who the hell just breaks into another person's residence? Well Alen...

Papi was in the kitchen cooking up a storm and Papa was barbequing. The twins were in the swimming pool accompanied with Elijah and Declan.

I awkwardly stood there while Alen jumped into the pool. I didn't know anyone other than him. There was a few unknown faces scattered around but when Papi came out he quickly introduced them as close friends.

I must say it was a fun day. After the day of eating and swimming we went on a walk to look at the fireworks. The twins jumped on my shoulders to get a better look (much to my annoyance).

Last year was the first year Demetri joined us but this year our celebration has new attending members: Nikita, Adwin, Marcel and his brother.

Nikita told me that he didn't have plans for today so I invited him. Our friendship these last few weeks were blooming.

I apologized for being such an asshat back then. I don't think I will ever tell him why I was so cold towards him. I don't want him to be disgusted by my brokenness.

Elijah was joining us for the first time in a long time. I don't know if he was avoiding me because I haven't seen him since that day at my house.

He didn't even join us on our fun the day I came back from London. I did leave his assistant a message for him.

First I thought he was doing it to everyone but Papi said he was there once before. It hurt like hell to think that even though he's not my blood I still think him as my brother and here he is ignoring me like I'm a stop sign.

My thoughts were swarming in my head by the time I stepped out of the shower.

I scratched at my beard- Did I need to shave? No it's already 11, I thought. I'm already late.

I pulled on a pair of dark washed jeans and shirt over my head. I pushed my feet into a pair of socks and shoes all the while jumping around to find my watch.

Demetri was patiently waiting in the car when I finally managed to get everything ready for my short departure. I greeted him and sat back into the seat.

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