Chapter 23: Pee on the carpet

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(Dedication: OralKel because his book series gives me life. I'm busy with his Mr. Series and to be honest I'm not only busy with them but obsessing over them. If you guys like his books too comment and tell me which you loved or which you loved because no one can hate that books. I think I may have creeped him out because I came a bit on to strong in the message I sent him. I'M SORRY...I know I'm a bit creepy but please ignore it!)

Anywho, It's VACATION and once again I did this chapter last moment because I hate planning and anything because I'm a lazy cow! MOOO... Talking of being lazy we started walking around the block today, it was tiring but on the bright side I saw some cute boys!

I'm sorry, I can be a little weird.

^^ Ashton aka the bitch (only in the story)

---> Stressed out- Twenty One Pilots


In school I always believed in professionalism because my 'dad' drilled it into me. I was always told you need to be professional towards your teachers. You need to be professional towards your older figures. You need to be professional towards everyone basically.

Being almost 11 I think, I just nodded and went on with my toys. It may have resulted in punishment for not being 'professional' towards an older figure.

He always said that professionalism in the workplace should be a base of any business. If there wasn't professional and respect as the building blocks your business wasn't going to see the end of a financial year. Or any year for that matter...

That and the fact that family in a work environment or business never works out and don't mix well. That was the few things he learned me of business...

Why that was the thing I was thinking about made sense because the professionalism in my business was gone. Professionalism was dead.

The scene outside was because of that one day Pa-Omar and Leo came into my workplace. They showed everyone in this damn building they could bring their drama into my life. Bringing in stupidity and drama into the name that I made for myself.

Glancing at Nikita I give him a bored look and try to mask the irritation and shock I feel.

Having him show up here makes me nauseous and my stomach clench. He needs to stay away from me because he makes me weary. I don't know if it's something bad or good.

"I think you should leave." I say with a cold voice and wait for the shouting to either stop or just pause for the time being. I just need to kick out this unwanted visitor then I can have a few words with the people I call my employees.

He gave me a frantic look. Why the hell was he scared?

I knew the screaming and my tone of voice wasn't of the friendliness but it wasn't even necessary for him to be petrified. Or pee on my carpet because he looked seconds away from that.

He walked away from the door and kept mumbling about someone coming for him. And that the crazies were on us.

Shaking my head I felt the annoyance climb in my body. How could I have considered this guy a friend before?

Because you were lonely and had no one so you wanted a project I guess.

Clenching my hands into fist I feel a presence behind me. Okay, so if people ran into this room looking for him they would obviously see the tuft of black hair peeking around my build.

If he didn't consider that I then wrongly summed his character up.

Rolling my eyes I walk around the desk where I was standing at. Leaving the mumbling boy there alone I walk to the door just wanting this day to be over.

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