Chapter 34: He made the problem-He needs to fix it.

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{1 July 2016-Friday}


My first time flying was a horrible experience. It was the day I was sent to live with my uncle. He had a meeting that day so he couldn't accompany me in the airplane.

It wasn't anything like a private plane. There weren't any nice looking attendants fetching me for the boarding. I was 'old and ugly enough to figure things out' were said. The old bitch of a assistant my 'father' had, Samantha, hated me with a burning passion.

She met me once previously, even before my uncle met me. I was placed in the foster home when she came and said that I was her boss's nephew.

I think she had a mild crush on him and she didn't make it subtle. She always pulled her shirts down and her skirts up. She touched his shoulders and any limb visible with such softness. She even once kissed him.

I should've been asleep but I heard voices. It was them, she was drunk and crying. It was my first day there and I could already see just how desperate she was for him.

She cried and cried but he kept reminding her 'I told you once before that I didn't have time for you or anyone because my first priority was my son now'.

I guess that time wasn't the first time she heard it.

The flight that I talked about was her just obnoxiously laughing and snoring away next to me while I had multiple panic attacks.

The flight attendants thought that I was busy crying wolf. Because of the fact I had previously had mild ones and bounced back from it.

Luckily before I blacked out from the fourth or fifth attack, the kind lady who sat in the aisle seat in the middle saw my panic stricken face.

She gave over to me and took the paper bag out of the seat compartment. She was so kind about everything and stroked my hair while I inhaled and exhaled with the bag against my mouth.

She told me of how her son, that she was visiting in the US, use to have panic attacks. They were so bad they had to see a therapist in one of the Middle Eastern lands. She talked to me about how her husband had to work his fingers to the bone and not even be in the same continent just so his son could live without the horror of all these panic attacks.

Walking off the plane and into the waiting area for the arrival of our plane I got to see her son. I imprinted that image of them embracing in my mind so if I get to see them one day I can thank them.

I still had that same exact reaction towards plane rides. No one knew of this fear of planes because they surely would've invited themselves to every destination I had to fly to.

Some were just short flights but some were much like the one I had to endure that was scheduled to London. The back wasn't the problem because here I was sitting in the leather seats in business class.

There weren't first class seats available and I wasn't going to throw a tantrum for one. I much more like the business type seats more because the attendants were always different towards you. They thought if they be nicer they can get some more than just a smile back. Maybe a little dough...

And I would much rather save that money and give it for a charity because even though I had money I don't want to just throw it away.

I didn't need a private jet because I didn't have to fly so much but I think I have to consider it if this transaction goes through.

Of course I will consult with my family because if they thought that was a waste of money I will consider it and the financial team in my business also have a say.

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