Chapter 16: Well we wish a lot of things but don't get it.

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Hi my little starfishes! I'm sorry about last Mondays short update but school is just plain awful and long and because of my laziness and procrastination it only gets worse. Example for this is because I have math homework I much rather would type the next chapter of my Wattpad book than do some messed up problems. Like bitch I ain't a psychologists fix your own problems.

But anywho, Tuesday we had athletics at our school and to say I was exhausted and red faced ( literally, there was a heart painted on my cheek and guess what when I went to school the next day clean and tired my best friend points out that there where the heart was its white and my whole face is red)is an understatement. And the stupid teachers are just giving speeches and not just prepared.

Enjoy this chapter and please comment either a question or comment an answer on the QOTC.

^^ Sexyy Amos

----> Roots- Imagine Dragons


After telling multiple times how the night went and watching some serious out played movies we went to sleep. Closing my eyes I wished that maybe tonight after a nice evening I wouldn't have a nightmare. Well we wish a lot of things but don't get it...

The room was looking eary with the hall light on and making the walls look spooky. The smell of cigarettes was not only imprinted in my nose but into the carpets and walls.

The smell didn't register in my brain as something bad because I thought every house smelled like that because my only friend was Mr. Pinkie my bear, I went out of our apartment yesterday just to sit on the wall outside with the crickets and the insects to make friends with them so I would have someone to talk to but the mean lady beside our flat took me by my arm and dragged me to my room. I had a ouchie on it when I changed my clothes in the morning.

Mommy gave me a slap and told me that people would take me away from her and I was her only family left and she sobbed but pushed me away when I went to hug her.

I think she has a ouchie too because when I touched her she pushed me onto the floor and screamed at me, the ouchie on my arm felt sore so I think the mean men I see going around our apartment was hurting her.

Sitting on the floor I wait for mommy to come into my room and tell me tonight, my toys were taken away because of being naughty yesterday but I still had the pretty pictures my mom had in her books.

Hearing footsteps I climb into my bed making it squeak and me giggle. It always does that at the first I thought I hurt the beds feelings when I climbed on it and hurt it but he was just talking.

Daddy always said the bed was talking to me and was my friend, he would kiss my forehead and tuck me in with his tiredness he didn't always play with me but when he did mommy would scold him and scold me but he didn't listen and did it anyway.

Looking up at my mother she was standing there with her hand on her hips in short black leather skirt and a black fishnet crop top.

My four year old knew that outfit and it was an outfit my mom wore every time she went out and I heard these nasty sounds from her and another person. It always sounds like someone is getting hurt but I couldn't check if someone truly was.

But it didn't make sense because my daddy went away and she was always going out the house, she always says she goes to friends and I need to be a big boy and stop crying. She said that after she hit me, I forgave my momma because I love her and she's just sad about daddy.

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