Chapter 5:Push his boot so far up that ass he'll taste the rubber of his soles.

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(Dedication: Stupid_cupid_gurl. She voted on my story and I'm really grateful for that, she also writes fan fiction of One Direction (my baes right there) mostly Zayn (I still feel tears coming If I remember he's not apart of 1D, but he'll always be apart of our fandom even if he writes other music) It's really good, so if you check it out you'll do yourself a favor.)

Also go check out @kittylxrry's work because it's so satisfying and if you're a 5SOS and Larry shipper you'll like that story soooo much!

{If you want a dedication or a vote on your stories even have me read them because we all help each other out like that give me a shout on messaging or even on my profile or in the comments.}

My loviesss! I know this story is developing slowing and it feels like they'll ever meet, just hold on for a few chapters because I think the next Nikita chapter will be of the graduation (spoiler! *Gasp*)

Anywhore, I can't believe the reads got more! Like hell it went up by 30 reads the last time I check! Thanks a lot people and non-people. And I'm mad at you guys *pout* no-one answered my question from the chapter. I'm going to ask a question each chapter on the end so look out for it and comment you story or answer!

--->Demi Lovato ft Sirah- Waitin for you


Walking down the hallway I felt as if I was in a movie with the couple that hated each other that got together in the end. In a movie that nobody judge someone for their skin color, hair color, eye color or height but most important they'll never judge you for your sexuality. All the people will cheer and hoot even some of his friends will come and apologize for hurting me; some would even come and congratulate us. I'll become popular instantly, girls and boys will come and shyly compliment on my shoes or my new sweater not knowing it's not actually mine. The people will stop tripping me in the halls and making snide comments at me and when I fall on accident everyone will try to help me up because they know my boyfriend will punch anyone for hurting his baby boy. Teachers will come and apologize for letting their judgement be clouded by stupid, moronic teenagers. I'll actually like the remaining days at the school before graduation.

But my dream bubble burst, this is not a movie -no one gets awaken from a kiss, no one gets to be brought back to life with magic tears, servants or slaves don't get turned into a pretty princess or handsome prince just for one night until 12 o'clock, you don't get the guy everyone dreams about and neither does everyone graduate with a touching song about friendship and love in the most wonderful high school you'll ever set foot in.

No this doesn't happen in real life. Your death will be by a kiss, a kiss by The Angel of death. Magic tears don't exist, it's just your tears you're letting run down your cheeks because you just wish someone will come and help you out of this mess that's the world. That one night doesn't work out like Cinderella and you don't find you man , but still we hope and wish when it strikes 11:11 on the clock. We still throw coins into the wishing well just to make sure that wishes really don't exist.

The pessimist deep down dies when he sees a happy couple or a romantic movie , he'll never leave he just gets silent but the optimist comes out and tells us that someday somewhere we'll have that kiss , that magic tears , that one night and that one awesome graduation.

The optimist in me is silent where I walk down this school hallway with all the sneering, glares and jokes of my death are thrown around. Adwin's glare is directed to everyone, I was tucked under his arm like a mother hen would do with her little chicks I swear if anyone will come anywhere to close for comfort he'll growl and snap at them. No one will dare joke about him being a homosexual because he'll push his boot so far up that guy's ass he'll taste the rubber of his soles and the brand shoe polisher he uses.

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