Chapter 15: A cup a day keeps the dietician away

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Hii my little pie flavored pies. Schools in full swing and so much different than grade 9, new people-new classes. Like I have 89% of the classes with my best friend so I luckily don't sit there like a weird loner in the back (that and we sit in alphabetical order almost every class) because then I don't enjoy the class like I should be because I can't joke around and be funny.

Anywho,I hope you enjoy. Please comment on the QOTC at the end of the chapter so I don't look like a loner and have a one-sided conversation like I have most of the times. (Oops-don't care. #I'mInsane)

^^ Adwin's hot body and smexy face (Robert Evans)

---> Coldplay- Adventure of a Lifetime


Staring at the ceiling, I frown thinking how I got here? Did Adwin bring me up when I fell asleep on the couch again? Did Adwin and I drink so he had to help me up the stairs? Did I fall asleep while studying in the kitchen on the dining table again because-let's be honest if I study in my room it doesn't work out.

I have that moments where I don't focus on the task at hand and focus on something else or while doing it my mind will drift and then one thing leads to another I'll forget about the homework or studying and I'll start doing something else.

Procrastination is a sickness and I have it, rolling my eyes at my weird statement I have in my brain I squint at the black speckle of hair dye on the ceiling. (I really don't know how it got there to be real with you I think when we just got here I wanted a new start and dyed my hair black. I think I got one of those moments where my attention just drifts and I start dancing while having hair dye on a brush)

Rolling over on my side I groan. My neck was stiff from the laying on a lump of coal named my pillow, it had so much lumps and bumps it wasn't doing its work anymore. I hate when this happens, it always makes me cranky not seeing what's going on at the back of head because if I turn my head it feels as if the devil was pushing his pointy tail into my neck.

Taking my hand out from under the warmness of the blanket I put it under my head supporting my neck making me sigh in relief.(Who else does this because I do- a lot- I guess my pillow is just too thin and not having like legit softness to it or hardness{in this case} so I just fall into the pillow basically.)

Suddenly I sit up and jump off of my bed and ran to my jacket on the wheelie chair at my desk, rummaging through the multiple plastic wrappers of chips and sweets. (yasss that's me!) Seeing a crumpled piece of paper and everything comes back to me.

Slapping my forehead hard I pout and rub the red spot,"Ouchie" I muttered and rolled my eyes at my childish ways.

That wine Amos and I had didn't even put a buzz on me and the lightweight I was it surprised me because not consuming alcohol on a daily basis made me slepy-not tipsy or drink- just sleepy.

I blame this confusion on my off day because this Friday was the first day I had off on a long time.I guess I slept too much, normally I'll sleep like 4-6 hours but staring at the clock on my bedside table I see I slept 10 hours hence the red numbers flashing 10:00 on the screen.

You know that feeling when through the day you're so sleepy and you can't even keep your eye open and you decide to go take a nap but when your stand up you're so confused and feel like you're here but you're not. Like you're here in reality but mentally you're still drifting in the clouds where unicorns exist and dogs can talk.

Even when you're sick and you take a nap thinking that maybe some awful medicine and a nap would make you feel better but when you wake up from your nap you feel like that and you need something to bring you back.

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