Chapter 2;I heard Spanish people like hot stuff, so would you like this cock.

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Google translate was my best friend in this chapter! I want to thank him...? Her...? It...? (Don't knowww!)

I don't speak any of these languages in this book so don't be mean and point out obvious errors. It's not my fault its Google Translates fault. *insert pout here*

Anywhoo... Hope you enjoy Amos's and Alenardo's sexiness!

Demi Lovato-Skyscraper,


Looking up and glaring at the ceiling I looked at the silly glowing stars on my ceiling, stupid Alenardo for putting the things there in the first place. Now that I think about it when was he in my room that long that he can actually achieve putting the stuff there... Idiotic child I swear. I think his dad lured him out from under the sink with a sour piece of cake.

I huffed out a breath and picked up my phone looking at the time, 3:04.

Huffing again I went to sit up on the bed and shake away the drowsiness out of my system, only going on 3 hours of sleep a day really does not do well for the human body. Especially after listening to horrible fake French accent from the so called "Big designer from France" I had a meeting with today, I think I was more French than that guy like seriously he just sounded like he had phlegm stuck in his throat from the load of bullshit he was speaking. I swear.

Viciously rubbing my eyes and massaging my temples I stood up and walked to my closest taking out my work out clothes hoping and praying that maybe the work out will help my exhausted brain shut down and stop overworking.

Pulling up my workout shorts and leaving the shirt knowing I'll probably strip it off when I get too hot, this was a normal routine for me. Go to sleep at 12 every night after hours of designing and actually managing my own business, then after a few hours of not dreaming and just me being passed out I'll wake up.

Alen thinks it is insomnia but I just think my brain is too busy working and scheduling for it to shut down so it gives me a little break then power on after having mercy on me, the sadist.

Shaking my head, am I delusional? I'm literally having an argument about my brain... I really think that no sleeping thing is taking a toll on me.

Walking down my lonely and deserted hallway I find the stairs leading to my office, my indoor pool area and the gym.

Walking into the gym I glanced around, the floors were hard wood making it easier to clean and giving it a clean finish, the walls didn't have the standard mirror walls because I didn't like seeing my reflection. It just meant that usually people just stare at themselves while 'working out' and some looked in the mirrors just to see if they have gained some muscle after working out for like 10 minutes (A/N that's meee!)

All the walls were made of one way glass....I can see out but nobody can see in, the view I have every morning over the city made me want to sit there the whole day and drink coffee while looking at the world bustling around and cars honking .

It made me feel like sometimes if I was a little more normal I would've loved sharing the view with my lover while laughing and cuddling on a rainy day...

The ceiling were also made of glass and made the room serine and clean no dirt or reflection staring back at me-just the city and me.

Even though I am a guy I still have some fashion sense and know what goes with what. I actually hope so because if not I should probably sell my fashion company.

Sighing I climb on the treadmill seeing it's still dark outside with the twinkly stars staring back at me my like eyes judging me for me not sleeping like everyone else in the world.

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