Chapter 26:

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(Dedication: You guys! I love you all.)

Seeing the amounts of reads on this story makes me extremely happy. Knowing that people actually enjoys it enough to read it every chapter warms my stone cold heart. Hehe, Demi Lovato reference just so you guys know.

I hate school and everyone in it... like seriously why would someone in their right mind like to go back to school after 12 years of horror. I won't, I just don't like children and they don't like me so that's the reason what's yours?

And I swear the stupid IT teacher hates all of us and is a sadist because every class with her she asks one of us for a answer. I'm really not one to listen in class so I struggle with the question every time and top it off the new (hot) guys are in my class so I look stupid enough with my face but now the teacher does this to me. Like common dude, help a sister out.

I hope you enjoy your week!

^^ Amos's Livingroom

---> (S)He Used To Be Mine - Sara Bareilles Cover by Elijah Thurston


I cried an hour, a whole hour. I have never cried longer than a few minutes. When and if I cried it was either just a few stray tears then I stop them.

This felt like uncontrollable sobs. When I try to stop them and consciously know that if I don't stop them I'll either make my name shit or have an anxiety attack.

Every person in that room had the undeniable horrible pleasure to hold me while I cried. I think Kellen cries less than what I did.

The living room was filled with people. Papi was seated on Papa's lap who sat in the white and wood chair in the corner facing the chairs. The big white couch parallel with the chair housed me and Wyatt. He was glued on me, he was in my lap with his face in my neck. His grip was like a spider monkey's. He fell asleep after he started crying too.

The ottoman/couch thing next to the couch was Declan and Who's cuddle place. Alen was lying on the big couch bed in the far corner of the room, he was staring out of the window daydreaming. He didn't come up to hug me just stared at me emotionless and then out of the window again.

Elijah was seated on the steps behind the ottoman. He was quiet and didn't even look me in the face, I guess the things he said when we fought wasn't just a heat in the moment thing- He meant it.

Ricky didn't even glanced at me when he walked out.

After I stepped into the arms of Papa crying Ricky stepped out of the room and into the garden. The garden wasn't very big- just big enough for Hannibal to run around and take his dump on ( which I had to pick up every day. I think he's a fricken horse not a pup)

The doggy door flapped against the sliding door every time the wind picked up. The sound woke me up every morning.

Hannibal slept in the room with me and I didn't feel like it to wake up every night with his wet nose pressed in my face just to say he needed to pee so it was always open. His wet nose did indeed press into one of my body parts if it's feet I'm lucky that morning.

I could see where I was seated Ricky playing with the energetic puppy. When I walked into the room Hannibal was lying on the floor uninterested but when I began balling his ears perked up and he started being restless and running circle around our feet.

He even started rubbing his wet nose under my pant leg just to get a rise out of me because he sure as hell knows just how much I hate it when he does that. He also knows just as loud I scream at him when he does that. (And nobody has to know how short amount of time I'm mad at him before petting and giving him kisses)

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