Chapter 38: a work of art.

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{5 July 2016- Tuesday}

This morning I was up earlier than usual, well earlier than most mornings. I did my workout and ate my breakfast before coming to the office.

Today was the day that Nikita was coming into the office. This was the first intern to be majoring in Journalism or anything other than the normal Fashion Degree students.

Since I was planning to buy a fashion magazine long before I even met Nikita, when he joked about getting a job at my business I thought it was a great opportunity for me and for him. Because if I hired someone to manage the magazine I can have Nikita working there and supervising it.

And because of the big responsibility Nikita has in this future magazine I would of course give him the option of buying it and putting it under his name.

People may think that I was stupid to give someone that I only knew for a few months this big of an opportunity, but these few months I've seen more traces of responsibilities in him than half of my employees combined.

I won't say the fact that he is devastatingly beautiful didn't play a factor, because when there were talks about a job. I didn't even have to consider the puppy eyes he gave me. Even though I know he's not one to beg or ask too much of someone and that only makes me even more adamant to hire him.

Glancing around my office, I think that I maybe went overboard...

The once small office was now bigger. I contacted a build company and asked them how fast they can break through the wall and make the bigger office. That was a few weeks back and they were still struggling, I knew that I should have used the one Alen recommended instead of these stupid idiots.

I walked around the office and rolled my eyes at the plan that was spread out on the table. I never really knew who actually owned this building, but the bit of research I did out of curiosity had me shocked.

In the 1860's it was owned by a black man named Bronte and his wife Tavena. Since that time it was abandoned, there were a few buyers here and there but none stayed. I don't know if it was because they went bankrupt, or if they moved away for the lack of space.

Alen did once ask me if I won't like to move to a bigger office. I was considering it because this space was tight the last few years with all the advertisement we got with celebrity and up and coming stars wearing Verges Vashion designs. But maybe I can make this the headquarters of a bigger type thing, I can just branch out instead of interrupting all my workers with moving.

The room they broke into looked like a filing room. It was a weird concept in our time for the fact that everything we do is electronic and the things we have filed comes in the basement just for a future reference. What I could find in the few cabinets I checked was that it seemed as if this was a voodoo type shop thing.

When I told Alen and the twins, they demanded I should move away somewhere where there weren't spirits freely roaming around. I told them that they weren't roaming around here anymore, it was almost a hundred years ago.

As I was standing here, daydreaming, I didn't even notice that there was a gust of cold air blowing down my spine. I shivered and turned around. All these horror movies I was watching with Alen was making me paranoid.

I shook my head and turned towards the window I stared out of while I was thinking. The sun was just coming up making the sky look like one of those tornado water suckers Kellen likes. The colors ranged from soft pinks to a dark gray like color.

This was my favorite thing about being an early bird. Sunrises were more beautiful than any sunset could ever be. Sunrise confirms the empty promise a sunset give, it says that yes- it is truly a new day. Not even the cold wind on my neck can take away the beauty that lay before me. It's a bit weird for a cool wind in the air because it was summer, it should be scorching hot. Someone probably forgot the air conditioner on, I know everyone turns the air con on until it's the temperature of my heart. That's pretty cold...

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