Chapter 1: My awkwardness thanks that.

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Hi my loveliesss! I attached a picture of Nikita , Lorenzo and Adwin!

First chapter guys! I'm soo excited for this .. Hope you like it and enjoy Adwin's abs.

Oops , sorry! *hehehe*

Chris Brown - Don't Wake Me Up


I heard clanking of pots and pans, in my hazy state I recognised the sound of all the kids screaming and laughing some even crying. Opening my eyes, I groaned and blinked away the sleep. Rolling over on my side I looked at the clock that's spewing the dreadful red numbers , one reading 6 and the other 30 , 30 minutes before the spawn of Satan would've gone off.

Yawning I looked at bed next to mine, ripped open and wrinkled. He was probably out doing the thing that'll get him out here. Gymnastics is his life, he loves it and nobody knows of this sport he does. He's a scary looking guy if you see him , he has arms as big as my face probably but he doesn't have the scary looking tattoos much like mine and he has less piercings. His whole demeanour is just terrifying and the whole mysterious guy vibe scares everybody.

Standing up I rubbed my bed head and yawned while walking to the bathroom.

"derr'mo" I curse as I almost rip my toe off on the way to the bathroom. (Shit)

Walking on I knew nobody could talk Russian or understand it so I knew I wasn't going to get punished for cursing or talking in a another language that they don't understand. A Black eye is the last of my worries because today is Monday; today of all the days in the week is the baddest.

Usually Adwin would help me at school even though I usually tell him not to because then he'll get in trouble with Britney (she's the witch of the Wild West Colorado slash our foster monster) Even though he tells the teachers they bully me they just ignore it and gives Adwin detention. The other guys don't get anything; I think they get a pat on the back for slapping the gay around.

Shuddering from the cold air hitting my warm body I climbed in the shower; the water splashed on my sore body and instantly relaxed my stiff muscles. I washed away the filth and sweat from the previous night, taking my wash cloths I squirted on some strawberry body wash and washed my whole body. Rinsing off and repeating with the matching shampoo and conditioner, I knew Lorenzo likes the smell. He usually kisses my hair after he ... I cut my thought of just there, not wanting myself to have a panic attack like last time.

Getting out of the shower was a trouble because wash cloths and clothes were thrown on the floor, but having 5 other kids in the same house and not enough space really puts a crap load of stuff on the floor. But having all the kids hates your guts it's not helping that situation either. The other foster kids usually just snarl in my direction but some just huff or don't even look at me. Adwin's in my grade and he is the only one that can actually stand me at school hence him having detention all the time for helping me.

The day we became friends and I saw that they have a strong disliking towards me I told him that he should not hang out with me at school, he just scoffed at me a flicked my nose before literally crushing me into a cuddling position against his chest. We always talk in this position me on his chest and his head resting on mine, we talk about going away when we graduate and what we are doing when we get older, how we are going to stick together through thick and thin and won't ever leave each other side no matter what (Okay, maybe that's what he promises every time I have a panic attack) So hopefully I'll make it out alive out of this forsaken town.

This town was really old fashioned , old traditions never really died. They sticked to this town like glue , like the pumpkin fest that's always held before Halloween where everything pumpkin will be sold and the kids gets to play in the pumpkin fields and some even picks them and takes them home ... And just like every other old town there's always a big secret.

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