Chapter 9:Damn, those genes look real good.

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(Dedication: December because it brings families together and it's just a nice year , fucking hot I tell you but nice and my 332 readers thank you soo much)

Anywhoo, I'm melting I tell you I think my nail polish is melting too. The place my grandparents life will burn you in summer and then proceed to freeze you in winter!

But vacation is here and I'm sooo happy!

^^ ''You can beat my ass but my daddy will sue'

---> Wolves- One Direction (a.k.a my baes)


New beginnings can cause depression I learned in one of my subjects in school. It can also be caused by loss, physical trauma, non-physical trauma and abuse ,the medication you are taking and a birth defect that makes you even more different and special (if someone is reading this and have such differentness in them or such a special thing you are more perfect and you're so beautiful don't forget it! Just because some asshole says some stuff just tell him I'm perfect and walk away. I love you so much, you guys!).

There's no actual cause that can be established, many people have their own thoughts on my why they have depression. There can be so many different depressions, after birth depression-where it should be the best time of your life with your newborn baby you get depression.

A big thing that would happen in your life such as college starting or a graduation even a start of a new business. Depression and social awkwardness is something that walks hand in hand. Depression is a sickness, no one can cure or something -Well in my case someone.

Adwin Ryder was my someone, the first day I walked into that awful foster home he stood there among the other kids clean with busted knuckles. The other were dirty and looked happy being there, Adwin looked... blank and unresponsive. I thought that I'll never go to him and talk to him and he'll never come to me and talk to me so we had an unspoken understanding.

I was a measly little 12 year old not knowing why being gay was so looked down upon, I thought everyone like boys or liked both boys and girls. The stupid little town wasn't so stupid back then, I thought it was hot as hell and no one was a meanie, but that one afternoon the older kids of the foster home called me to them. They thought they'll scare and get the new fresh meat, back then I was still awkward and stuttered. They made fun of me and when I was close to tears (it didn't take long) they laughed and told me 'to loosen up and toughen up', they were my foster brothers so I took their advice.

They then proceeded to degrade women and talk about their bums and chests, I was disgusted because they then took magazines out and showed me photos. Me being the stupid awkward boy I am I took the mag when they pushed it to me, I paged and looked at them confused and asked where is the naked boys because I like the boys. I even gave them an embarrassed little blush and smile like you give your siblings when they embarrass you of your crush, they didn't laugh and clasp my shoulder like I thought they would. They grimaced at me and snickered when the one called me a fairy, it was a few weeks after I was placed into that foster home so no one really were my friends and never would be my friends because there nobody cared for each other, I could see why because some were inconsiderate jerk.

The thing of foster care is you can't be caring towards other and start loving each other like siblings because maybe just a few weeks later you'll be adopted or you have to go to another foster home and be crushed by not being able to see them anymore on a daily.

The big bullies said something among them and before I could even walk away and go sit in my room and read the one with the scar across his face took me by my forearm and yanked me against his chest, I was a small child since always so he could take his other arm and hold my before him without a muscle straining.

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