Chapter 12: Fate

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Hii my little stinkbugs! Merry Christmas...It's a bit late but HA! I still said it so nobody can say anything to me.

Anywho I hope you got everything you wanted and that you've all your new years resolutions on paper and stick to it.

^^ Smoking hot Ben

----> End of the day-One Direction


Fate is the development of events outside a person's control, regarded as predetermined by a supernatural power. Even in Greek & Roman Mythology they talk about fate.

The three goddesses who preside over the birth and life of humans. Each person was thought of as a spindle, around which the three Fates (Clotho, Lachesis, and Atropos) would spin the thread of human destiny.

There's so many types of fates that I don't know which one I got because how did Alexander know this beauty and I never saw him once while we worked together.

The fate that the two people who looked for him found me with him in my arms.

But this wasn't fate this was not a thing that should've happened.

When he struggled to get away from me broke my heart and clenched it but I didn't know why, was it because he looked haunted or because he didn't want to be near me?

"That's the person of my dreams."he said. I tried so hard not to chuckle but the cute-no the innocent face he made and just to ease him I laughed.

When did I soft?

Probably when that beauty looked at you with those baby blue eyes.

Rolling my eyes mentally I stared at the guy.

My face was blank throughout the whole time, my sibling laughed and gave me a smirk but I stayed quiet and looked at him.

Alen was smirking and kept nudging me in my side, Who stood next to me with Declan under his arm.

He took his arm from Declan and walked to the blue eyed beauty.

He smiled at him and walked closer sticking out a hand, overing him a small smile.

He blushed the cutest red and gave Who his hand, he winked at the guy.

"You better not be hitting on my man or I'm gonna slap you ,bitch" Declan playfully snapped.

But the poor guy didn't think it was playful or a joke, he walked backwards to his friend and looked down in embarrassment.

Glaring at Declan."You really don't have a filter do you?" I mouthed with blank face.

He rolled his eyes at me and gave the guy a small frown, he walked to him and placed a hand on his shoulder.

"I'm just yanking your chain." He said forcing a chuckle.

Yes, be guilty you big oaf.

He nodded his head and Declan gave him a small smile and walked back to Who.

Who gave him a small smile but the sympathy in his eyes shone bright.

A awkward silence came over us, I didn't even know the guy and he already fell in my arms.

That really sounds like a fuckboy pickup line.

Who cleared his throat to get everyone's attention.

"Well since you already fell into this lil' guy's arms we should probably introduce ourselves."he said making me glare at him, he didn't seem fazed just smiled at me.

He nodded and blushed.

"Sorry ab-about that. M-My n-n-name is N-Nikita and m-m-y friend n-n-n-next to m-me is A-A-Adwin." He stuttered.

Looking at them I gave him a blank a stare, Alen then started laughing.I turned to him and gave him a glare but he just continued laughing.

The friend Adwin growled and went to attack Alen but Nikita held him back.

He looked like a feral dog or a hunting dog zooming in his prey or his owner -in this case Nikita- prey.

But the stupid idiot continued laughing, Adwin can easily snap him like a wet twig. With that glare it made him look scarier.

He said something in a foreign language and pushed hus forefinger in his face.

Adwin nodded but still glared at the idiot beside me.

"Wow, you've a guard dog person. Where can I get one?" Alen said.

I swear he has a death wish.

"Can he bark?" He taunted. Adwin growled again and went to attack him.

I need to stop this now, this exhibition will not be messed up by this baffoon and a anger management patient.

"That is enough Alenardo." I boomed over Alenardo giggles.

Alenardo huffed and crossed his arms but said nothing.

Good, I might have to kill him if he didn't.

"I'm Amos Verges and I'm sorry if I scared you or sounded a bit creepy." I said with my voice sounding husky from not using it.

He blushed and nodded but when he went to open his mouth to say something I put up my hand to silence him.

"Please ,to apologise I'll like to have you accompany me to dinner later this night." I said making him blush but give me a small smile.

How can I just blurted out about dinner.

I mentally face palm the guy probably thought I was too far ahead because I just met him but I asked him to dinner.

Normally you just apologise with a wine hamper or a carf but no Amos must ask them to dinner.

The other guy that joined us after Nikits fainted cleared his throat."Since he's going to dinner with you he can interview you for his article" He said.

Blushing he looked down and nodded again.

After asking about dinner and insisting for them to stay and come look at the fashion show that Adwin on coincidince walked in.

I thought they were just going to be here because they were a on looker.

"So little Amos has a crush" Was the first thing Alen said when we walked to the area where the show was held.

Rolling my eyes I gave him a glare. Was that really the only thing he could say about that whole drama that happened.

"Is that really the only thing you can say of what just happened. Did you really think taunting someone so angry until they growl like a dog is a good idea?" I asked him with a glare on my face.

"Well I love a good taunting" is the only thing he said before running in the direction Nikita went in.

Sighing I speed walk after him.

I can see numerous black eyes in his future.

I'm sorry for the short and late chapter this christmas season is busy and lazing around the house don't really work for updating the next day.

I hoped you enjoy! Remember to comment on the question or ask a question.

Q: Your New Years Resolutions.

I don't really have it because I don't keep it. Maybe some more workouts because the last month I haven't gone to Curves gym and maybe so weight loss in 2016. Maybe be meaner hehe.

Happy new year!


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