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Louis was exhausted. He was living off of barely any sleep, but he had to wake up in order to go to work.

Where he had just been only a few hours ago.

The apartment was quiet, it being only six in the morning meant Liam was probably passed out on the couch.

"Wake up!" Louis shouted from his bedroom. The apartment was freezing, but he swore he paid the heating bill.

"I am up, Lou." Liam yawned from the doorway, ratty old blanket wrapped around his shoulders. "Weren't you in charge of the heat this month?"

"Probably why we could afford all that take out last week." Liam nodded, deep frown setting on his face, making Louis groan. "Go scare the landlord into putting it back on."

"That was one time," Liam had never been more embarrassed of his actions. But he needed a hot shower.

"Whatever." The pretty omega whined. He began to strip off his shirt he slept in, grabbing the first pair of black jeans he saw and slipping them on.

"Is that sanitary?" Liam scrunched his nose in disgust. Louis was such a pretty, dainty Omega at first glance, but after spending almost his whole life with him he knew he wasn't exactly that.

Louis shrugged the question off, grabbing the Omega shirt for work. There was no gender, everything just based on the body chemistry of the person. Omega, Beta, and Alpha.

(Beta's of course were basically just normal humans, though, so that rule didn't really apply to them.)

"I'm going to work, please don't touch my kitchen, or go through my drawers." Liam's face was basically on fire from the comment as Louis walked out the front door.

"One time!" He whined to no one.


"I want to go out to eat." Harry pouted, taking a seat on the edge of his older brothers desk. "Stop working and pay attention to me."

"Harry, please." Edward narrowed his eyes, slamming the phone he had just been talking on. "Just go home and cook for yourself."

"Do you want me to die?" The Alpha hissed. "This is why we need an Omega. I need a pretty babe to feed me and pet me while you and Marcy work all day."

"I'm sure that won't be hard." Edward drawled, rolling his eyes. He felt his brothers eyes on him even as he continued working, making him groan and slam the laptop shut. "Fine. Go get Marcel and meet me by the car. My car."

Harry jumped up, smug smile on his face as he walked out of the office. His brothers never said no to him.


"Hello, and welcome. My name is Louis and I'll be your waiter today." The omega recited, fake smile on his face as the group of betas ignored him completely. They were being rude, two females and a male that obviously had a distaste for omega/alpha dynamics.

It was believed that alphas and omegas were superior, so bitter betas were common.

"Three waters with lemon." One of the females ordered, sneering at the unnaturally pretty boy in front of her. She hated omegas. Especially the males that walked around with their feminine looks and stole everyone's attention.

Louis rolled his eyes, turning around and walking away to get the drinks. He didn't have the patience for attitude today.

"Lou boo!" A female called out. The omega turned, noticing an Alpha named Eleanor was who had shouted. "Can we please switch tables? A group of buffoon Alphas just walked in and I'm not in the mood for a testosterone stand off." Louis beamed at the request.

"Yes please!" He loved serving Alphas. Well, some Alphas. A lot of them were especially sweet to him, leaving large tips and a few numbers. But, there were also the Alphas that believed they could take whatever they wanted to.

He gave her his Beta table and walked off to where she pointed, strong scent of Alpha bringing him to the exact location.

He wasn't expecting what he saw, either.

There were three identical Alphas sitting at a circular booth, noses up and eyes dark before they noticed Louis' arrival.

They were stunning. Absolutely delicious, hard bodied Alphas that were scenting the air around him as if they were starved.

"Hello, baby." One of them drawled, eyes a threatening black. "Tell us your name."

"L-Louis." The omega stammered, watching as one of them stood up and stalked towards him. He buried his face into Louis' neck, making the small boy gasp out.

"Sorry about Harry's rudeness." The triplet continued as if there was nothing strange about this whole situation. "You're very alluring." The identical boy next to him whimpered, looking as if he was holding himself back as much as he could.

"I-I. It's okay." Louis had no idea what to do. He wasn't prepared for this at all.

"No it's not." The Alpha in his neck, Harry, growled out. "You smell like an Alpha. Is there an Alpha courting you?" He moved back, stance as aggressive as his dark red eyes.

Louis shook himself out of his daze, frowning up at the man in front of him. "Don't speak to me like that," a whimper he was trying his best to keep inside escaping, "please."

"You're perfect." Harry groaned, looking a bit desperate. "We will court you. Please, let us court you."

The begging got to Louis head, making the boy moan and press his legs together. "Okay, okay," he nodded, trying to control himself. "Okay."

The Triplets Mate [Styles/Tomlinson]Where stories live. Discover now