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Louis gave them a funny look. "Ha. Okay."

"Lou," Edward groaned. "we're being serious, here."

"Sure you are, honey." Louis gave him a pat on the cheek. "I believe you."

"Louis," Marcel pouted. This was the last reaction he had expected.

"I watch mob wives." Louis announced, "do you guys watch it too?"

"Lou," Edward grumbled, giving him a narrow eyed look. "enough."

Louis pursed his lips, looking down at the bedding. He knew something was going on, but a mob boss? The Triplets never said a single thing about having any ties with the fucking mob.

"Okay," Louis sighed. "what does this mean for us? I don't understand what's going on. If your fathers a mob boss why would we even come here?"

"We have no ties at all with this." Marcel rushed to explain. "We were born into it, yes, but there's nothing we need to worry about. Ben is the underboss of the family, which gives us a way out."

Louis was quiet, and he could tell it was making his Alpha's nervous. He just honestly had no clue how to respond.

He really just wished they were back home, and never made this trip.


After the talk, Edward left Marcel and Louis to nap. Both Alpha's knew that there was going to have to be a much more in depth conversation about this eventually, but his Omega was already a bit overwhelmed, naturally.

If someone sprung this kind of thing on him, Edward would be overwhelmed too.

Once he left the room, though, he grew angry. He got a whiff of his youngest brother's scent, which meant he was home and had yet to greet their Omega.

Edward knew that it wasn't Harry's fault, was their witch of a mothers, but it still pissed him off that this happened every time they came home.

The Alpha knew how uncomfortable and unsure Louis was in this setting, and he was ready to end their trip early. He wouldn't let his little mate stay in any setting if he was uneasy, not even his childhood home.

He stomped in the direction of his brother, and grew livid once he saw him.

"Harry." He barked. The Alpha turned his head away from the girl he was previously talking to, giving his brother a smile. It dropped when he saw Edwards expression.

Harry excused himself from the conversation and followed Edward out of the room, only for Edward to slam him into the wall.

"What the fuck are you playing at, Harry?" Edward bared his teeth. "Hanging out with some mafia whore? Is this what you thinking of our mating?"

"Edward!" Harry hissed. "Don't talk like that. She's not a whore, and I'm not doing anything wrong. I've been friends with Courtney since we were children."

"She's a mafia whore Harry." Edward spit again.  "An empty suit that thinks she's some sort of fucking goumada."

"What's your issue?" Harry bared his teeth, making Edward shove him back again.

"Watch your fucking tone with me Harry!" Edward roared. "When was the last time you even talked to your fucking Omega?"

The Triplets Mate [Styles/Tomlinson]Where stories live. Discover now