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"I want to go shopping." Louis announced, laying across Marcel's chest. "Take me shopping."

"Like, clothes shopping?" Harry sounded ecstatic. He straddled Louis' legs, and gripped the boys bum in his two hands, a deep growl erupting from his chest as he jiggled the soft globes.

"I didn't mean that," Louis hummed, arching his back in order to present himself. Harry howled at the sight.

The three had just finished round two of the day, while Edward had gone off to work. They were sated and content, but by the looks of things (and when he says that, he means the feeling of Harry spreading his cheeks and his breath hitting his hole) the Alphas were already ready to go again.

"I want to take you shopping for clothes." Marcel rumbled. "Please let me take you."

"And me!" Harry whined, before bending down to lick at Louis' hole, making the Omega whimper. "Will you let us take you?"

"You can take me anywhere." Louis moaned, grinning up at Marcel's dark and heated expression.

Marcel's only response was to connect their lips.


"Edward is so jealous." Harry grinned as he typed away on his phone. "I don't blame him. I'd probably track you all down if you brought Lou shopping without me."

Harry had been taking constant pictures of Louis as they walked around the shopping center. He kept sending them to Edward, who was steadily getting nastier in his replies.

Marcel was humming happily to himself, looking through racks of clothing in the expensive lingerie store they were in.

He already had a good amount of clothing on his arm; different lace shorts and pantie sets that he thought would like nice on Louis.

"I want all his clothing to be tight and revealing." Harry moaned, looking like he was in pure ecstasy. "My kitten is so tan and pretty. He needs to be shown off."

"Shown off?" Marcel frowned, looking over at where Louis was standing, looking through a rack of shorts that would definitely reveal more than just his legs. "I don't want anyone to look at him."

"I want everyone to look at him and see he's ours. Don't you understand brother? He's ours." Harry had a wicked grin on his face at the thought, arousal curling in his gut. There were several Alphas and Omegas in the store they currently were in, and he watched how annoyed the Omegas would get when they caught Louis' beautiful scent. Alphas were also taking notice, and Harry laughed at the thought.

They could notice just how beautiful his future mate was, but they could never act on it.

"Daddy," Louis called out, innocent expression on his face. Two Alpha's standing not too far from the boy froze and looked over.

Harry took notice right away and reached Louis as fast as he could, sending the two men murderous looks. "Yes, kitten?"

"Too many Omegas." Louis pouted, reaching out for Marcel once he reached them. "You're mine."

"Of course we are, babydoll." Marcel hummed, bending over to give Louis a dirty kiss. "Only yours."

"I'm all done." Louis announced, after pulling Harry in for a kiss of his own. "Can we go grocery shopping? I wanna cook." The Omega blushed, placing a dainty hand in Harry's back pocket. The Alpha jumped at the touch but smirked down at the Omega once he realized it was him.

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