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Louis groaned, mixture of anger and frustration clear in the sound, as he slammed the knife in his hand so hard it got stuck in the cutting board.

"You need to stop invading my home when I have a knife in my hand." He didn't even turn around, knowing the blond Omega was in the doorway. He whimpered in shock.

"Uhhhh," he sounded a bit scared, making Louis roll his eyes.

"What?" He huffed, turning around and crossing his arms. The boys were all out, Marcel and Edward at work while Harry ran to go get some vegetables for dinner. They were planning a nice dinner and had invited Liam over so they could all be formerly introduced. (Marcel was excited, he liked Liam and had never really had friends besides his brothers. It made Louis's heart explode)

"I'm sorry." Niall coughed, looking severely put out at having to say it. "I shouldn't have said the things I've said to you. Obviously the Triplets are very serious about you."

"Wow, thanks for the sincerity." Louis scoffed. "I don't have time to deal with this right now, please come back another day."

"Why." Niall pouted, taking a seat at the kitchen island. Louis groaned again, this kid did not take a clue. "Is something happening?"

"My Alpha's and I are having a nice meal together tonight, thank you." Louis growled, sound soft and not as menacing as he thought he was.

"Okay, wow, you're so cute." Niall' eyes widened, blush on his cheeks. Louis' jaw dropped in shock, not sure at all what this kids game was. "I can totally see why the boys would like you. You're perfect."

"Uhhh," it was Louis' turn to stutter. "Thanks?"

"You're welcome." Niall checked his phone. "So, what's for dinner?"

"Um," Louis was so confused. "What?"

"I told Harry we made up and he said that's perfect because you were having a friend over and I could stay too." He shrugged. Louis was about to pop a blood vessel. "I'm so happy we're going to be best friends."

The blond was grinning ear to ear, and it made Louis a bit uneasy. He picked up the knife once more, moving so that he was facing the strange Omega while he continued cutting vegetables.

"So, what were you saying was for dinner?"


"Okay, what the fuck!" Louis hissed at Harry once he was finally able to corner him. He had left Niall in the kitchen, and took the knife with him.

"What?" Harry seemed genuinely confused, which gave Louis a migraine. These fucking brothers, honestly.

"Why in the world would you invite that Omega to eat with us?" Louis' eyes were slits, a startling red flashing in them.

Harry didn't answer, and when Louis went to yell once more, groaned in frustration instead.

The Alpha was rock hard against his thigh.

"I hate you." Louis hissed. To think, today had started so peacefully.

"God, you're so sexy." Harry's pupil were blown. "Can we have a quickie?"

"No, because there's a psychotic Omega in the kitchen, who has been flirting with me since he got here!" Louis stabbed the knife into the wall, and Harry didn't even flinch. His cöck twitched in interest instead. "You are hopeless, Harry Styles."

"I'm sorry baby, but you are the hottest thing I've ever seen." Harry looked as if he was in pain. "Can we please have a quickie? I can't function properly right now."

Louis growled, foot tapping impatiently on the floor before he finally gave up and heaved a sigh. "Fine, hurry up."

Harry squealed in excitement, grabbing Louis by the waist and carrying him to the bathroom that was directly next to them in the hallway. Once the door was slammed shut, he was quick to turn Louis around and pull down the boys yoga pants.

"It should be illegal for you to wear these." Harry's voice was raspy and deeper than usual, turning Louis on. "I have to force myself not to pop a boner just watching you walk around."

"Be quiet and fuck me already." Louis arched his back, making Harry howl. He could hear the sound of a belt unbuckling, and the Alpha's hands grabbing Louis' hips so hard he wouldn't be surprised if there was bruising.

Harry didn't give Louis any chance to get used to the feeling of his cock deep inside him, thrusting hard and fast as soon as he got balls deep into the boy.

"I can't get enough of you." Harry moaned out, making Louis' inner Omega keen. He needed this attention after all of his self doubt as of late. He needed his Alpha's to keep their hands on him at all times. He was just so needy for them right now.

Harry came quickly, giving Louis two orgasms that made the small boy weak in the knees.

Once he was done, he quickly grabbed a plug and placed it inside the panting Omega, before slipping his yoga pants back up and turning him around to give him a quick cuddle.

"Carry me." Louis demanded, voice quiet yet snippy. Harry grinned at the sound, pressing a kiss to the boy's forehead before carrying him back downstairs to the kitchen.

Marcel and Edward were there with Niall, and they were pouting sadly when the couple entered.

"No fair." Edward grumbled.

"Wow, he smells so good." Louis gave the blond an incredulous look. "I want some."

"Hey, watch your mouth." Louis was flushed head to toe, and not only because of his previous romp with the youngest triplet. "I'm not a piece of meat."

"You're so lucky." Niall looked honestly distraught as he looked at Harry.

A knock on the front door caused a welcome distraction, and the Omega raced to be the one to open it.

"Liam!" He shouted happily, giving the Alpha a hug. "I haven't seen you in ages."

"Well whose fault is that?" Liam frowned, arms crossed. "Are you gonna help me pay next months rent?"

"Yes, I will." Louis rolled his eyes. Liam grinned at that, making a relieved noise.

"Great, thank god. So, what's for dinner?" Louis slammed the door behind the man, headache starting to form. This day was a complete disaster.

But, it simply got worse once Liam entered the kitchen.

Niall and Liam made eye contact, and it was over.

Louis' frustrated groaning could be heard two streets over.

Mating will be in the next chapter!!! xxx

The Triplets Mate [Styles/Tomlinson]Where stories live. Discover now