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It all came to head when Louis came home from running to the store.

He hadn't even talked to the Alpha for long. The thing was, Louis had honestly tripped when trying to reach something on a top shelf, and the man had helped him up, then left after Louis said thanks. That was it. They didn't even have a conversation. 

But, the scent must have lingered on him.

As soon as he walked in the door, he was pressed back up against it, a seething Harry staring down at him. "Where were you?" He growled.

"At the store." Louis was surprised by the random aggression, grocery bags dropping from his hands and onto the floor. "What's wrong?"

Harry didn't answer, though. There was a deep rumble resonating from his chest, and he gripped Louis' waist tightly before pressing his nose to his bond mark. "Mine." He growled.

"Yeah, daddy, I'm yours." Louis replied softly, beginning to put the pieces together. The scent of the man from the store was setting Harry's rut off.

Harry humped against Louis' hip, hard cock pressing against Louis in a way that made the Omega gasp. "Need you."

"Okay, daddy, you can have me." Louis moved the man away from his neck, ignoring the snarl that gained him, and pressed their lips together.

Harry's aggressive growling quieted down, and he moved his hands until they reached Louis' thighs, grabbing them and helping the Omega hop up so that Louis could wrap his legs around him.

Louis did so, and let the Alpha carry him up the stairs and into their bedroom. It was empty, no sign of Edward or Marcel, but Louis didn't have time to question that. Harry needed him now.

Harry placed Louis onto the bed and immediately began stripping out of his own clothes, Louis doing the same. His slick from being so turned on had probably already ruined his sweatpants, but he'd whine about that later.

Once they were both naked, Harry's angry red eyes fell back onto the Omega in front of him. Louis bit his lip at the sight, completely turned on by the completely primal attitude his Alpha had.

Harry rarely ever let his Alpha nature succumb him, and to see it in such an extent was doing wild things to Louis' body. He wanted this man to completely wreck him.

"Present yourself to me." Harry growled, making Louis whimper. The Omega did so immediately, resting on his hands and knees and arching his back to show the Alpha what he had to offer.

He didn't have to wait long for the man, as Harry immediately plastered himself to Louis's back.

He was thrusting against Louis' bum, big cock sliding between his wet cheeks until finally it caught on his hole. There was no warning when the man slid inside, aggressive thrusts beginning immediately.

"Oh!" Louis cried out, eyes practically rolling to the back of his head in pleasure. Harry wasn't holding himself back at all as he fucked in and out of him, grip bruising on his hips.

"Mine, mine," Harry was grunting, his voice completely shot as he constantly growled. "Mine." He gripped a hand tight in Louis' hair and shoved his head to the side to expose the small boy's neck.

He sniffed at it, most likely realizing that it was the side where Marcel's mark was laid, and instead of causing the Omega pain by pressing his teeth into that mark, made a new one on his shoulder.

He kept his teeth locked onto the skin, and Louis sobbed out in pleasure at the feeling. He had already came, but he knew he was going to just do it again with the way his man kept fucking him.

The Triplets Mate [Styles/Tomlinson]Where stories live. Discover now